Thursday, September 8, 2016

John Malone buys Formula 1: The “Darth Vader” of the media industry –

It is one of the largest numbers among media moguls worldwide. But he pulls the strings in the background rather. John Malone owns the company Liberty Media, and now the Formula 1. The acquisition is despite the company’s history with numerous billion deal a milestone.

combed the dense white hair to side parting, hands in his pockets and a smile on the face: the few reasonably current photos that exist of him, Malone show hemdsärmelig in casual look with functional vest. But the loose style is deceptive – he is still regarded as one of the toughest and most hardened businessmen in the United States.

Uncompromising as “Darth Vader”

“Cable Cowboy” he is known for his aggressive deals. Due Malones intransigence designated the former US Vice President, Al Gore, the media mogul as “Darth Vader” of the cable industry.

Malone controls an extensive, internationally operating company empire and mainly in the Cable media industry operates. The father of two also has numerous holdings in companies. For Formula 1, the company pays about 4.4 billion US dollars (3.93 billion euros). In addition, debt should be transferred to a similar level. belongs

Malone Unitymedia

In Germany, Malone is active: in 2009 he bought over the company Liberty Global for around 3.5 billion euros to Germany’s second largest cable operator Unitymedia. 2011 followed the next billion deal: for 3.2 billion euros took Liberty Kabel BW

The two cable operators are now under the name Unitymedia active.. Unitymedia is according to the company the largest cable network operator in North Rhine-Westphalia, Hesse and Baden-Württemberg with around seven million customers. Even over cable Germany Malone was interested, but in the end took over Vodafone the company.

Bundeskartellamt duped

The first acquisitions in the German market made the self-made man 15 years ago when he six regional cable companies took over. His reputation as a businessman with bawdy practices he made at that time all the glory. He tried to circumvent the Bundeskartellamt in the deal. Although this did not work, but at least he was able to secure comfortable exit clauses.

Malone, according to the business magazine “Forbes” 6.3 billion euros difficult shapes since the early

1970s, the entertainment market, but shuns even the limelight , Although mainly in Europe is not nearly as well known, surpasses its media empire even industry heavyweights like Rupert Murdoch’s 21st Century Fox clearly reach.

co the cable business

After studying electrical engineering and economics at the elite university Yale and a Master in industrial management, he joined the consulting firm McKinsey. But soon he turned to the then still stuck in its infancy cable television business to

He built up the company TCI, transforming it to a network giants and sold them in 1999 for 48 billion dollars of the US telecoms group AT & amp. T. Liberty Media was removed prior to sale.

Heavy transparent system company network

Today is Malones Business Empire after several further acquisitions and spin-offs an extensive braided diverse, heavy investments more transparent. The focus is still Liberty Media; the Group has, among other shares in the shopping channel QVC and the baseball team of the Atlanta Braves.

For corporate empire includes a stake in the media company Discovery – Discovery in turn also includes the television channel Euro Sport. Discovery had surprisingly secured the TV rights to the Olympics for the European market from 2018 to 2024 last summer and paid 1.3 billion euros.

Malone is also the largest shareholder of the US media company charter Communications. This had taken over the rival Time Warner Cable for 55 billion US dollars.

Hobby land

John Malone, the 1941 in Milford in Connecticut, the son of a General Electric- was born manager, is also the largest private landowners in the US. According to the financial journal “Fortune” he delivers with his friend Ted Turner, also a well-known media entrepreneur, a sort of private duel and calls now over 8900 square kilometers of forests, ranches and farms his own.


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