Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Retirement age: to grow Old and still work – TIME ONLINE

more and more people in Germany and Europe to work after retirement. In Germany has doubled the ratio of the employed between the ages of 65 and 69 years of age, within ten years more than. It amounted in 2005 to 6.5 percent, they have risen in the past year, to 14.5 percent, according to the Federal Statistical office. This means that more than one in seven of the pursued in this age group have a paid Job. And that significantly more people than ten years ago in Germany after your 65th birthday. Birthday work.

the data of the Federal Statistical office the reasons for this are not apparent, however, that seniors are still working. If you would like to work or pension is too low to live on, is not called. According to data from the Federal statistical office between 65 and 69 years of age are in the workforce, higher than average number of self-employed and unpaid family workers. In addition, more men work than women. In addition to the gender of the statements seems to play a role. Among academics in the age group the employment rate is higher than for low-skilled workers.

According to an analysis of the overall Association of German insurance industry (GDV) is the tendency to Work in the age of the regional, however, very different. After that,

Baden-Württemberg, with 19.4 per cent, the highest percentage of working 65 – to 70-Year-old. Tail light in the Ranking is Sachsen-Anhalt with 11.7 percent. Generally speaking, fewer people work in the Eastern Federal States (13.1 percent) in the retirement age than in the Western States (17.5 percent).

One reason for the regional differences, the economy of the GDV according to force. In strong regions, there are generally more job opportunities. In addition, pensioners would be due to the higher cost of living in the boom regions, with a greater interest to work.

In an EU comparison, Germany is above the average of 11.7 percent, but well behind countries such as Estonia (29.3 percent), Sweden (21.6%) and the UK (21.2 per cent). However, the retirement age in the EU is not uniform. For example, in Estonia is currently 63 years. In several EU countries, a significant decline was observed: In Portugal, for example, the proportion of those employed, over 65 years by ten percentage points to 18.2 percent, in Romania by eight percentage points to 17 percent.


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