After China and the United States now wants to approve India the climate Treaty of Paris. On 2. October his country will sign the agreement, said Prime Minister Narendra modi on Sunday. India is, with its around 1.3 billion inhabitants, the third largest producer of greenhouse gases after China and the United States. The 2. October the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, regarded by many Indians as the founding father of modern India.
The country has long been regarded as one of the main Laggards in the climate protection efforts of the United Nations. It is pushing ahead with its industrialization more, and in addition to the nuclear power plants many coal-fired plants to meet the growing demand for electricity. India is just six per cent of global CO2 emissions. At the same time, India is also an important market for the wind power industry.
the Indian government has now, for the ratification to be decided, should also have something to do with a certain regulation of the climate agreement: Only the countries, the before the 7. October to ratify may take at the next UN climate change conference in November, influence on the rules of the world climate Treaty.
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Thus, the Paris agreement can formally enter into force, 55 countries that account for at least 55 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, the agreement to ratify, the parliaments approve. The number of 55 States is already reached. Also, the proportion of CO2 is likely to be achieved.
The Bundestag had ratified on Thursday the agreement. In the EU as a whole, a number of countries are missing, however. The background is also a dispute over the distribution of the burden within the community. The EU had co-negotiated in Paris as a Block.
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