Friday, September 30, 2016

The error of the German Bank – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Chairman of The management Board of Deutsche Bank, John Cryan, writes an appeal to hang on to the other employees, and must emphasize the “image”newspaper that the Bank was liquid and not enough money. He protested also that he had asked the Chancellor for help. How could the German Bank is so deep that you feel sorry for her?

Holger Steltzner author: Holger Steltzner, editor.

Because previous and current members of the management Board and the Supervisory Board of the Bank in error are eaten. Twenty years ago, the Deutsche Bank decided to strive to be among the leading investment banks in the world, no matter what the cost. For this purpose, they bought in London and New York for a lot of money Anglo-Saxon investment banks. The smart American, Swiss, or Indian-British bonuses-Banker acquisitions over the years, the rudder is also in Frankfurt. For a short time, the financial mercenaries believed themselves to be on the target, the German Bank had up to the banking crisis, the Elite in the high Finance business. But the price was high, not only because of the insane cost.

The German Bank Paid was considered as the largest hedge Fund in the world

the culture of combat in the German Bank with the loss of ethics and morality. A laugh, a saying by the former Board of management Chairman Josef Ackermann sounds today, there is no business that is worth ruining the own reputation. For fraud, Manipulation and money laundering penalties in the billions threaten. These were significantly lower than rumored, will recover the stock price.

In the hunt for the next Deal, Deutsche Bank grew to unimaginable risks, it was considered the largest hedge Fund in the world. In spite of shrinkage of the derivatives book of a Bank comprises today a volume of approximately 35 trillion euros. No one knows how big the dangers are that lurk there. Low they are anyway. Otherwise, not a New York hedge Fund, only Deutsche Bank had sold shares on appointment, then their positions, in order to tell then the financial agencies to be used, then the shares crashed-rate to a Low of less than ten euros. However, The counterparties of the derivatives transactions Deutsche Bank trust becoming less and less the insurance premiums are shooting up.

Is my money safe?

Meanwhile, even the normal are Private and corporate unsettled customers. The pressing question is: Is my money in the account still not sure? The honest answer

is: only up to an amount of 100,000 euros. Because according to the new rules of the European banking Union beyond credit could be shaved just in case, because not only Bondholders, but also large customers should be taken as creditors of the Bank in liability. Only if the capital is in the Form of money market funds, or bond and equity deposits in a special Fund, it is deprived of the access.

These rules of the EU has led to the promise of the heads of state after the financial crisis, redeem, according to which, allegedly, never again will a Bank tax could be saved money. However, in the case of the first application, as it is in the EU already become a Tradition – has circumvented the rule by Rome, made up of a group of Creditors of Monte dei Paschi “”. Of course, Chancellor Merkel wants to give for the Deutsche Bank, no state money, such as by Anglo-Saxon speculators. You can’t afford the foreign policy, because Berlin, which explains the rescue of the Italian Bank on hardness urge the malice of Rome. You can’t afford to do domestically, if the CDU wants to win the next election. No other Institute is a global network is stronger than the Deutsche Bank, the monetary Fund said they were the most dangerous Bank in the world. Therefore, the German Bank had to be rescued in case of doubt, however, from the state, why you may ask, why the right Lessons from the world financial crisis still have not been dragged.

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Now is the time to win time. But how to do that, if the trust is destroyed and the Bank is a part of the speculation game? The desire for a ban on short-selling, where speculators beating the stock price down is an indictment, because the Bank earned on such transactions. The same is true for the fear of a capital increase, which is in accordance with the large penalties to do it anyway, even if the prices are in the basement and the owners are plucked.

fortunately, the Bank has 215 billion euros of liquidity. But you will be able to convince investors, then again, if it is their error and return an understandable business model. It is not true that German companies are in need of a German investment Bank. This has proved to Bayer with the Acquisition of Monsanto, Deutsche Bank was not asked for. The bonuses bankers took the Bank like a Christmas goose, they destroyed more capital than the institution of the stock market value, and they saw how the new Supervisory rules dry out your business. The farewell from the investment banking needs is not more time but more determination.


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