Nürnberg – The strong autumn upturn the number of unemployed in September to a record low. With 2,608 million unemployed as little men and women were looking for a job, most recently in March 1991, informed the Federal employment Agency (BA).
The 77 000 unemployed less than in August, and 100 000 less than in the previous year. The unemployment rate fell 0.2 points to 5.9 percent.
BA chief Executive Frank-Jürgen Weise acknowledged that the decline in unemployment has been slightly lower than the average of the last three years. An indication that the trend is turning, but the surprising decline of the social insurance contributions employees in July. On a seasonally adjusted basis, the number of regular jobs fell for the first time in a Long time and, although 18 000 to 31,24 million.
fashion is rather based on the fact that, in spite of the growing number of unemployed refugees, the positive Trend on the labour market will continue. Presumably, the slight decrease in the number of people was due to the regular Job on the late summer holiday in lower Saxony. As a result, it came only later to settings. “I do not believe that the long-lasting is broken good Trend,” said way.
In the Rest of the parts he is going to decrease the optimistic assessment of the in-house Institute for labour market and occupational research (IAB), according to which the number of unemployed in the coming year, an average of 70 000 to 2.62 million. The scientists justify their optimism with the economic situation is good, the large labour force necessary for the care of refugees and the rising number of older Employees, which go in 2016 and 2017 in retirement.
Satisfied, the Federal Minister of labour Andrea Nahles (SPD) said on Thursday. “All in all, the German labour market remains in good shape,” she said in a statement. The effects of the escape of migration would, however, in the labour market statistics have become increasingly apparent.
in fact,
At the same time, the number of refugees who find work in Germany is growing. According to the latest numbers from the Federal employment Agency in July, 105 000 people from the eight most important non-European asylum countries of origin, had found a regular job; in July 2015, it had been only 79 000, reported the BA.
As recognized or tolerated refugees are cared for according to the connection of their asylum procedure from the job centers, and financially supported, rises to the BA-Numbers currently at the same time, the number of Hartz IV recipients from the asylum countries of origin. It has doubled in June, with 469 000, in comparison to June 2015. The number is according to BA figures, significantly above that of the unemployed refugees, because all family members are counted.
the rising number of refugees, has not, as yet, more in the unemployment statistics low, according to BA-representation of the large number of integration course participants among the asylum seekers. You would not be classified looked after by the job centers but first of all, as unemployed. To add to that count, you and other participants vocational training measures would be the number of unemployed in September was significantly higher – namely, in the case of 3,523 million. Experts speak of the “under-employment”.
communications from the BA

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