EW hat seemed to be the end Of Kaiser’s Tengelmann, but on Friday, the supermarket chain got a Chance in the last Minute. Two weeks, he’ll be waiting, announced owner Karl-Erivan Haub after an extraordinary meeting of the Supervisory Board. After that, he’ll go “in the individual utilization”, and the owner family will withdraw from the Supervisory bodies. It would be the destruction of the ailing chain. Actually, it had been on Friday, on the agenda of the controllers.
But also the new Chance to a fairly small. You could only attack when Haub and his ally, Edeka CEO Markus Mosa, your opponent, Rewe Boss Alain Caparros, that he gets several of the 420 Kaiser’s stores. This is just the variant Haub and Mosa had mastered, of course, two years since the registration of the complete takeover of Kaiser’s, Edeka the German Federal cartel office.
The way to a new and this time really last – calls for an orderly Takeover, the Union had Ver.di pave. They had brought the three business leaders on Thursday evening in Frankfurt am Main, to a “round table” together. Also Ver.di chief Frank Bsirske and Board member Stefanie use Berger.
“In a constructive, three-hour discussion, the Participants agreed, the discussions in a timely manner to continue”, it said then. The goal is to find a “for all parties Involved and the employees of Kaiser’s Tengelmann viable common solution.” Further talks are planned.
Employees at Kaiser’s Tengelmann fear more
the results of Which will wait until the Haub now. For the around 16,000 employees at Kaiser’s Tengelmann the two-year war of nerves continues in order to their Jobs. Affected especially the approximately 2800 employees in the sales region North-Rhine, in the shops, in North Rhine-Westphalia are summarized. The number of branches in the Rhine and Ruhr, to the beginning of the year at 125, is already shrunk to under 100.
The charging network is considered to be a single package – so detached from the more attractive the Emperor’s networks in the Metropolitan areas of Berlin and Munich, more or less unsaleable. The same applies to any company belonging to the meat works Birkenhof. The Jobs of the Emperor’s administration in Mülheim are difficult to save.
If the job fear bypasses
There goes thousands of jobs. While the heads of Tengelmann, Edeka and Rewe are not able to agree on a rescue of the supermarket chain Kaiser’s Tengelmann, the employees, the time.
source: The world
The expected unsuccessful search to expose prospective customers for the sales region North Rhine and the associated negotiations over a social plan Haub now for two weeks. So much time, insist, in spite of the economic pressure, to the Minister for permission for Edeka and Tengelmann to implement.
This would, of course, pull Rewe his fast-tracked already successful lawsuit against the permit before the higher regional court of Düsseldorf. In this case, the Minister’s permission could be accomplished immediately. Also,
Striking, has joined the Declaration, Norma
the chains Norma and Striking would of course be in addition to Rewe for a compromise won – they had jointly sued with the people of Cologne against the Ministerial approval. Remarkably, Norma is not that Striking, has joined the Declaration of Thursday evening, however.
Although it is considered unlikely that the two Rewe-comrades-in-arms would permanently put a cross, if you are adequately involved. The competitive safety would benefit from a Takeover of Kaiser’s stores due to smaller food retailers.
However, the Norma-management is according to information from the negotiating circles sustainably upset about Haub, the man accused of arrogance. He had not refused in the past two years, all the talk and Takeover of the Nuremberg – based discounter with over 1400 branches and 16 branches; it is simply ignored they go away.
Ministerial approval only for complete takeover by Edeka
they had come To such atmospheric disturbances, legal issues, the leaders of the main parties involved in further rounds of negotiations, some in the next 14 days. Because the Ministerial approval applies only to a complete takeover by Edeka.
A re cartel would Differ legal review is required. This could after all be significantly completed more quickly than the first time, of faith Involved. The cartel office were from the first test – the front ended with a ban – already have all the facts in detail. In the best case, the formalities could be completed within a few weeks, it said.
The Minister’s permission, in the case of Kaiser’s Tengelmann only refers to a complete takeover by Edeka
The Minister’s permission, in the case of Kaiser’s Tengelmann only refers to a complete takeover by Edeka
source: Reuters
Perhaps, too, the Minister’s permission could be a first step of Edeka completed – then the shops could be passed on to the relevant contractual agreement, under the same conditions. In addition to Rewe, Norma and Striking, the Swiss Migros group is interested in Parts of the Emperor’s.
away from the castle on Friday that the ongoing court proceedings to the Minister for permission. The next dates will be set by the courts for the middle of November.
However, because of the last two years, continued uncertainty in the management of the company is becoming increasingly more difficult: “customer numbers and sales revenue, and the business collapses, increasingly, way,” said Tengelmann. A result of a dramatic increase in the losses was. “Therefore,” says Haub, “I have come to the decision to stop the transfer process now.” If not now, then in two weeks.

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