Saturday, September 24, 2016

Consumer germs in the production of high – forest, H calls back-milk – Sü

the affected products have been stores Sold nationwide in major disco. Consumers should not drink the contaminated milk, but discard, or in the supermarket.

The milk producers of high forest has been recalled because of a germ H-milk of different brands. It was a question of products with a minimum durability of data between the 27. and 31. December of this year, said the high forest in Thalfang, near Trier, Germany. The complete list of all affected brands can be found here. What kind of germ it is, is yet unclear.

According to the company, from the Saturday formed the germ, during the production, found in the milk and was detected in controls. There is a risk when consumption could not be excluded, returns to the group now, all the affected batches. The products were nationwide chains in the various supermarket sales, including Penny and Lidl. There should not be any more to find, according to the company, however, in the shelves.

customers who have purchased the contaminated milk already, be called to dispose of it at home or in the supermarket. There, they

would have refunded the money, promises high forest. Consumers who have drank of the milk and complaints feel, should contact a doctor.

What do the consumers with the Mini-milk prices

most of The German attack in the supermarket for the cheapest milk. The taste is not inferior to the expensive varieties. However, there are Alternatives with which the customer could be the work of the farmers support. By Michael belly müller and Benedikt Müller more…


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