Sunday, September 25, 2016

Rating – Turkey slips to junk status – Sü

Moody’s lowers thumb. The long-term liabilities of the country are now a rating of “Ba1″. The with worse growth opportunities and a policy that raised questions.

The credit rating Agency Moody’s has lowered the thumb over the Turkey. The long-term liabilities would now only rated as “Ba1″, with shared the United States ‘ credit guardian. Although this is only a reduction of one level, but means that the Turkey from the so-called Investment-the area is slipping in the junk area. For the years 2016 to 2019, for the Turkey only an average economic growth of 2.7 percent. The sun is clearly below the 5.5 percent, which the Turkish economy was on average between 2010 and 2014 grown. The government’s response to the failed military

coup to throw questions, explained Moody’s. The credit rating Agency Fitch has downgraded the credit rating of Slovenia. The long-term liabilities of the Euro, the country would now be rated “A-” previously “BBB+”, informed the Agency. The Outlook is stable. Fitch will assume that the debt in Slovenia will decline this year. In addition, the state is expected to shrink the deficit. For Germany, Fitch maintains its top rating of “AAA”. The best possible classification reflects Germany’s strong financial institutions, and the broad-based, high value-added nature of the economy, emphasizes the Agency.


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