the Union has Charged for Thursday night. No wonder, because if there is no solution for the broke candidates to the Emperor’s will be found Tengelmann, thousands of employees soon to be on the road. To meet the crisis have announced the heads of the food chain, as well as the the industry leader Edeka, Kaiser’s Tengelmann wants to take over. If the head of the third great German food group, Rewe, didn’t know you in the Morning.
For almost two years, the owners are trying to sell the ailing grocery chain Kaiser’s Tengelmann: 451 stores, around 16,000 employees. For more than 15 years, the chain of loss of power; least of all, the speech is of one Million Euro. Per Month.
lawsuit and counter-lawsuit
As a buyer was soon Edeka, the largest German food retailers. But the situation soon became very complicated: In April 2015, the cartel office prohibits the Acquisition. The Concerned court. The beginning of this year, the German economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel issued a special permit, which superseded the decision of the cartel guards. On the other hand, the competitor Rewe.

German economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel
At the end of a possibly year-long legal dispute, the Emperor can not wait’s Tengelmann, The group breaks up now, slowly. Of the branches of the group were already close to fifty, for example, because of the uncertainty of the situation and the leases were not extended. And the group staff. Who can, looking for a new Job, before he sits on the street. Alone in the Headquarters, hundreds of Employees would have quit already, BelTA learned from the management of the company.
For Kaiser’s Tengelmann, the Maxim goes it all, but also Rewe has a great deal to the game. The number three in the industry in Germany fears for its own market share and the Superiority of Edeka. The group is in Germany, already by far the Largest among the supermarket chains, above the level of the discounters such as Aldi and Lidl.
Rewe hopes by his own admission, a “fair distribution” of Kaiser’s

Buying Edeka competitors?
busting reasonable?
“A breakup of the company should not be seen as a threat. Rather, it is the only sensible solution”, cited the “Handelsblatt” for the Economists, Tomaso Duso from the German Institute for economic research. Federal Economics Minister Gabriel. He sees 8.000 Offices at Kaiser’s Tengelmann in danger. In any case, the Central administration, the logistics and the flesh works of the group would be closed in a Bankruptcy.
might look Like a solution, if the counterparties to meet on Thursday evening at the secret place in the stars. The easiest way, as an observer, it would be, if Rewe would withdraw his lawsuit against the Ministerial approval of the house of the Minister of economic Affairs Gabriel back. Then Edeka could access immediately. Exactly, but Rewe has excluded in-chief repeatedly.
“serious harm”
sharing His Position – despite all the solidarity among employees, the works Council of Rewe. “We Rewe have very much understanding for the difficult situation of the colleagues at Kaiser’s Tengelmann. But also in our employees – especially in Berlin and Bavaria – there are great Worries about job security,” said works Council chief of the group, with its headquarters in Cologne, Germany, on Thursday. Edeka would reach after a merger with Kaiser’s Tengelmann is an absolutely dominant market Position. “This would actually be a serious damage for us,” said the Rewe-works Council.
ar (dpa, afp, rtr – archive)

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