Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Comment: The EU and Roaming charges –

The EU wants to abolish the Roaming charges. But only if the user is not using this freedom too often. But what does this mean for the customer? There are good and bad “Roamer”?

you Have created the travel book for your life in the coming year? Especially for travel within the EU, be it for business or pleasure, short or long, regular or one-off. You do that, you will need it, if in June 2017 Roaming charges in the European Union will be abolished. Then you can use anywhere in Europe at no extra cost your mobile phone, for the same price as at home. But in return, your phone may get company sometime and they words: Because you have selected more frequently than usual in a foreign mobile network, or because they didn’t know what your phone provider is just no longer in the EU countries.

If the Commission goes to the EU, will apply from the summer of 2017, the principle is that Roaming charges don’t drop off only, if we make users of this new freedom to frequently use. If this is the case, you should check the telephone provider – by evaluating our data and compare with what is seen as a legitimate use. In case of suspicion, you can clients then ask us. And we would have to have to then explain, in order to retain our privilege, no Roaming fees to pay. So a travel book would be quite handy – you can’t remember everything.

class="text small"> The Commission says that With Monitoring, the have nothing to do, and all the phone providers know already, where we live, with whom we talk on the phone for how long and from where we do. So that you can send us an invoice. Who calms – beautiful. But for all the others, that is to say: Instead of a phone bill regular customers to create profiles, Telekom and co. in the future, in order to distinguish the good from the bad “Roamern”. With the blessing of the EU Commission. And in case of doubt, we have to justify customers to us even if we are, for example, just more in the EU than otherwise.

The promise of Roaming to be abolished, the EU-Commission with your proposal. But that violates the idea of a borderless Europe, we should not be tied to one place – certainly not by something as Simple as mobile phone tariffs and profits of Telecom companies.

Editorial note

comments reflect the opinion of the respective author and not those of the editors.


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