Saturday, September 24, 2016

Bosch and VW want to prevent release of investigation files – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Recently, a lawsuit from American Diesel had become known to customers, in this, Bosch is accused of a complicity in the manipulation.

Bosch and Volkswagen Balk in the exhaust gas scandal against the use of American investigative files in a foreign country. The huge mountain of data and documents should not be plaintiffs in European legal disputes and made it accessible, appealing, attorneys from the automotive supplier, as well as VW, including subsidiaries Audi and Porsche – in applications received in the night of Saturday to the competent American court in San Francisco.

The companies want to prevent the more than 20 million pages of comprehensive Material that has been worn by investigators in the American dispute, for example, for the regional court of Braunschweig of bundled investors ‘ complaints be used. “A party in a German civil-law dispute is not subject to any General requirement, all the relevant facts and evidence to fully disclose”, said an Audi representative.

plaintiffs ‘ lawyers, who want to ride in Europe for damages, tried to the documents. VW rejects this on the grounds that this Material was specifically designed for process under American law collected, and the relevance for investigation abroad were not sufficiently substantiated. In addition, the lawyers of the companies rely on various form of error, the motions of plaintiffs “to the legal procedure were not allowed”.

The VW and Bosch representatives argue that the American headquarters of the corporations spent in the judicial district in Northern California, where the concern was raised. In addition, had not been convincingly explained, why, in the American method information supplied “should be Large” for possible compensation claims by customers in Europe. “For these reasons, the court should reject the applications.”

Bosch had supplied Software to Volkswagen, the car maker for the mass of Exhaust gas was used. In the United States authorities, prosecutors, and victim-Diesel-owners of the Stuttgart-based company before throwing a key role in the affair. There is no doubt that Bosch was an active accomplice, and full knowledge of Volkswagen’s trickery would have had.

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While VW’s early admission of guilt made, and already a up to 15.3 billion-Dollar settlement with U.S. plaintiffs negotiated, is an agreement with Bosch in the past. Bosch himself did not want to comment on Saturday closer to the Letter to the court. The company was previously covered. Basically, you follow the product development of the “principle of legality” – if this had happened in

the past, but always, he wanted to comment, said Bosch chief lobbyist Peter Biesenbach in mid-September at a hearing in the EU Parliament.

Animation of Nasa winter ICES revealed in-depth record in the North polar sea

An Animation of the American space Agency, Nasa, shows the development of the ice cover of the Northern Arctic ocean from March to September. To see the massive decline in the winter ice. As a reason Nasa called the extreme warm winter months in the world.

22.09.2016, 08:14 PM | Knowledge


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