Who knew at VW, and when, and what values via manipulating the exhaust? This is a question of state employed attorneys in the workup of the scandal. According to a newspaper report, there is now a new document that is based old allegations against Ex-chief Winterkorn.
VW group chief Martin Winterkorn was entered into in September 2015 due to “diesel gate”. Since then, the question is, when the Ex-boss of the group, has known what – and what role he played in the scandal surrounding manipulated exhaust gas values. The suspicion is that the winter grain known before become known, the exhaust gas-affair of manipulations, and this first of all has to be covered.
a New document, the age of suspicion
taught According to the “Bild am Sonntag” was the winter grain by the end of July 2015 set by the developer and illegal Software in the emissions technology – less than two months before the VW, the use of such a program at 20. September on pressure from the US authorities acknowledged. The newspaper is relying on your representation of your present paper with the title “approval Diesel USA”. Winterkorn is said to have confirmed, therefore, the procedure to lay the issue to the authorities is only “partially” open.
evidence of a
law office of Winterkorn’s outstanding debt convinced
A düsseldorf-based law firm, which represents more than 100 shareholders, has focused already about half a year ago on Ex-CEO Winterkorn. The law firm mzs considers it implausible that the Ex-VW boss should have nothing from the exhaust gas the scandal known. In a 40-page opinion of the district court of Braunschweig, which is the emphasize of the lawyers that the Ex-Manager is a proven expert on the topic of nitrogen oxide emissions and exhaust gas reduction. The MTS-lawyers see it as proven that the former Chairman of the Board of Volkswagen already in may have get 2014 concrete information on the manipulation Software in the United States.

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