Thursday, September 29, 2016

Germany, for example, commented: the passenger car toll is: “The CSU could have turned out differently, but wanted to” – FOCUS Online

Thursday, 29.09.2016, 23:56
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The toll the dispute between Brussels and Berlin. Now European judges should decide whether the “infrastructure levy” is tilted as a result of discrimination of foreigners or can still come. The German press commented on the events.

Risky is the thing, especially for the toll-executor Alexander Dobrindt

Mittelbayerische Zeitung (Regensburg): If, however, the judge at the European court of justice about the fate of the CSU-favorite project must be located, then it is both a result of right, in its consequences, but also a risky step. Consequently, because of Berlin and Brussels could not agree on the negotiation about a Car toll. Risky thing, especially for the toll-executor Alexander Dobrindt. The upper Bayer was once sent to Horst Seehofer to the Berlin Cabinet, the highly controversial “infrastructure levy” to enforce. The judge beat him to the project, to the ears, would be not only the Minister, but also Seehofer and the entire CSU get reamed on this one. You get nothing on the series, neither a Refugee ceiling ,foreigner toll'.

“[Dobrindt] has provoked the now against Germany before the European court of justice brought a case against the downright”

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: Long ago, it is clear that a European law-compliant toll is not to, without the burden of German car drivers this a little more. Notes, as the German toll with the EU would be right to agree to, ignored Dobrindt. He has provoked the now against Germany before the European court of justice filed suit. Obviously, the CSU, the procedure is very convenient, because with a judgment is not expected until after the Bundestag election. Politically, the Christian social get away with a blue eye, the toll on. The with the toll-swatter from Brussels, the associated ridicule Dobrindt suffers from all rather than concentrated fees anger of local drivers, who see themselves deceived. And in the Federal budget, the toll revenue would not be missing for the time being.

“The CSU could, but did not”

country newspaper (Lüneburg): The CSU was different, but did not. In July 2013, the demand for a Car toll for “travelers made it on the German motorways” into the party programme, even in the coalition agreement and since then has been part of Christian social identity. Transport Minister Dobrindt for baptizing his child, pride in “infrastructure levy on all roads”. The whole thing made it better. Also not for the EU Commission. Because the could not prevent otherwise, as a disadvantage for EU-foreigners. That Dobrindt is glad the lawsuit has less to do with prospects of success, but rather that the nonsense finally stopped. And the CSU can say: we wanted to, but could not.

“The “Dobrindt toll” fails until after the election,”

The new day (willow): The ECJ, the law is in good hands. The verdict is clear: In this Form of discrimination is likely to be tipped at the end of the draft. But not the same. The “Dobrindt toll” fails only

after the Bundestag election. Previously, it is unlikely that a judgment from Luxembourg. The travel route is clear: First of all, good election results to the target, and then a retread toll-draft back on the road. Then the race begins again.

“Seehofer and Dobrindt have promised their constituents the opposite,”

Badische Zeitung (Freiburg): Seehofer and Dobrindt have promised their voters the opposite: foreigners should pay more, the German motorists will be compensated in the same amount. This Plan failed with the action of the EU Commission before the European court of justice. At least before the next Federal election will probably not be clarified, whether the toll with European law is compatible. On average, such procedures take longer than a year. The CSU, the embarrassment will be spared, that the judges in Luxembourg to cash in on the foreigners toll prior to the day of the election. But the impasse means a setback for the CSU.

“would Then be launched in the CSU with a foreigner toll and might actually have a national toll

Märkische or newspaper: The Christian social Minister of transport produced”wanted to enforce the toll, with a Trick – he makes out a case of two laws. And so I, as the relief of the German car drivers have to do with the Vehicle tax nothing to do with the toll. So kidding, the EU Commission is not, of course, the initiated first, a procedure against Germany, and is now before the European court of justice complains. The top EU court overturns this disadvantage of the foreigner may be subject to the toll anyway – however, without the discharge in the case of the Vehicle tax for German drivers. Then the CSU would be launched with a foreigner toll and might actually have a national toll produced.

“It is time for judgment”

Nürnberger Zeitung: The Commission has no choice: she needs the requirement of Non-discrimination of EU nationals to enforce in the member States. After the Federal government couldn’t move or wanted was a lawsuit inevitable. That this comes now, at last, brings, albeit slowly, and probably in years expected momentum in the tiresome discussion. It is time for a verdict.

“in The end, it should be Dobrindt almost doesn’t matter: Up to the judge and the toll collect has long been a new coalition agreement,”

Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: the EU-Commission, Germany sued in this case, is good news, the CSU, Minister of even. Thus, clarity is created. Now, you can see it differently. For example, as an awkward, unnecessary matter, the Alexander Dobrindt of the EU, Germany would have had to spare. The-CSU-Minister is not to be envied, because he doesn’t do is the Problem In the coalition agreement, that no German motorists may be impacted by the toll. But a toll is charged all the same and at the same time, the German car drivers not in addition to, is simply impossible. In the end, it should be Dobrindt almost doesn’t matter: Up to the judge and the toll collect has long been a new coalition agreement.

Video: passenger-car toll toll for cars is “discriminatory”- EU Commission refers Germany

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