Thursday, September 8, 2016

Labor market: number of temporary workers rises to record level – ZEIT ONLINE

In Germany more and more people are working in temporary employment. With 961,000 temporary workers there were last year a new high, as a response of the Federal Government points to a request of the Left.

In 2014, there were approximately 50,000 interim or temporary workers less than 2015. In previous years fluctuated numbers 610000-910000. In total there are in Germany over 43 million employees.

The number of temporary workers could continue to increase: The Integration Act stipulates that future refugees from three months to work stay in Germany as contract workers. Interim or temporary work is inter alia provided that businesses may choose at temporarily good order situation more staff. The economy in Germany moved recently to continue.

The average gross salary for temporary workers was reported to the figures available at 1,700 euros, well below the level of other employees. “In comparison, the median pay was all social insurance full-time workers at 2,960 euros,” it said of the federal government.

Two out of three temporary workers worked last at very low wages. They were below the low pay threshold of around 1,970 euros. So under the salary which is two-thirds of the average salary of employees in total. 5.7 percent of temporary workers have even entitled to supplementary benefits. You falter on their salary with Hartz IV.

temporary work especially in machine and vehicle

Every fourth temporary employment relationship is nine months or longer. 15 percent take 15 months 12 per cent over 18 months.

class="paragraph article__item"> Especially in machine and vehicle manufacturers access back on temporary work. Overall, the metal and electrical industry employed 36 percent, most temporary workers. Take the mechanical engineering are employed in the automotive industry 10 percent 11 percent of temporary workers.

“The two-tier system in operation has unfortunately established”, said the chairman of the Group of the Left, Klaus Ernst. He threw Federal Labour Minister before Nahles (SPD), its planned reform will not serve in the approach to the protection of temporary workers. Despite reform almost no one will benefit from a better remuneration. “The minister sprinkled the person concerned only sand in the eyes.”

draft amendment

Nahles’ draft stipulates that interim or temporary workers in the future after nine months as well as the permanent staff are paid. They are allowed to work more than 18 months in the same establishment, without being taken over by this. Deviations by collective agreement should remain possible, even for non-bargaining companies in the sector concerned.

The issue is expected to play a role on Thursday also at the budget debates in the Bundestag. Then the budget of the Minister of Labour is advised. Expected in September parliamentary consideration of a bill of Nahles’ to curb abuse of temporary employment and work contracts are to begin.


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