Sunday, September 25, 2016

VW exhaust scandal: Ex-VW boss Winterkorn is said to have covered Diesel-manipulations – FOCUS Online

Sunday, 25.09.2016, 14:20
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Who knew what and when about the falsification of the exhaust gas values of the millions of VW diesel cars? According to a newspaper report, there are new allegations against Ex-CEO Winterkorn. VW stresses that Concrete evidence is not available.

because of The diesel scandal resigned former VW group chief Martin Winterkorn is to know according to one report, before the exhaust-affair of manipulations, and these first have to be covered. According to information from the “picture on Sunday” was informed by the then Chairman of the Board by the end of July 2015, by the developer and illegal Software in the emissions technology – less than two months before the VW, the use of such a program at 20. September on pressure from the US authorities acknowledged.

the group was on request, you take to speculation about the legal processing of the issue. “This is an ongoing process,” said a spokesman in Wolfsburg, the German press Agency. From circles of the Volkswagen Supervisory Board, dpa learned that there had been at the most recent meeting, last Friday, no concrete evidence of a possible complicity at the Executive Board level.

large US law firm Jones Day reviewed the company

The “picture on Sunday” is based on your representation to your existing paper with the title “approval Diesel USA”. Winterkorn is said to have confirmed the “procedure” to have two VW employees the controversial topic during a conversation in the US, only “in part” to reveal. Evidence for a direct statement of the Manager in the newspaper called. That winter grain

have known of the manipulation, it was clear from witness statements. He himself had not commented in the sheet.

The large US law firm Jones Day is currently examining the company and interviewed numerous employees. To her from Winterkorn said, according to the “Bild am Sonntag”, he was not at the time of the internal Information aware that it was fraud – otherwise he would have intervened. The first results of Jones, Day had originally intended to in the spring. VW had already emphasized several times, the output of the tests, first of all, wait and see.

No solid incriminating evidence against the companies top

At the Meeting in the United States in August of 2015 had been reported to the authorities that affected the cars “comply with the statutory requirements,” the newspaper writes, with reference to a VW notice. However, intentions had been from scammers. At the end of September last Jaheres known Diesel scandal with millions of rigged cars crashed VW is in a deep crisis. In the United States, Germany and other countries, there are civil actions and criminal investigations.

In the lap of supervisors on Friday, Jones Day on the date reported. Almost a year after the beginning of the investigation, had no E-Mail, log note, or some other hand have emerged that would impact the company’s top-of-the hand, it said on Sunday from the environment of the control panel.

Which is more satisfying in the search for responsibility, of course not, it was called – but it was the state of things. More and more the question is a pressing so that is why the internal control system failed in the case of VW in such a way and the exhaust of fraud for many years.

Video: Bosch and VW intend to release of U.S. investigative files to prevent

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