Friday, September 30, 2016

The EEG levy is likely to rise more strongly than assumed – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

The energy transition is again more expensive for the households.

The Green levy will increase to a media report, according to the turn of the year. The so-called EEG levy will 1. January 2017 to a minimum of 7.1 cents per kilowatt hour from currently 6,35 Cent increase, reported the “Bild”newspaper on Friday, citing government circles and the environment of the Federal network Agency. Even a Plus up to 7.3 cents will not be excluded. That would be an increase of almost 15 percent. Due to the further Expansion of Renewable energies.

the amount of The additional burden for an average Three-person household, therefore, at annual rate of around 35 Euro. This year the levy was increased to three per cent.

On the EEG levy will be paid the difference between the government-guaranteed, higher purchase prices of green electricity and the

market electricity Tariff. The price means: the lower the stock market, the higher the levy, and Vice versa. With this levy the electricity customers Finance the promotion of the expansion of renewable energies.

it is expected That with sharp increases in the levy, since the middle of the month clear. How the f. reported to A. Z. at the time, had forecast the specialists of “Agora Energiewende”, which also advise the Federal government on energy policy issues, a significant increase. At this time, the speech of 6.4 to 6.6 cents per kilowatt-hour. This would now exceed the new report.

More about

In connection with the contributions to the drop in electricity are calculated prices on the stock exchange. Behind it is a simple Mechanism: The producers of green electricity receive a fixed remuneration. The is applied through the sale of electricity on the exchange. The missing amount of electricity customers pay via the levy. The stock price drops, increases in the levy. This will be according to the network operator, the setting is always mid-October, the levy for the next year, in 2016.


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