Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Controversial email surfaced: Audi mired deeper in the exhaust gas scandal than in the past … – FOCUS Online

Wednesday, 21.09.2016, 19:24
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The Volkswagen subsidiary Audi is much deeper in the diesel affair fraud-mired as yet officially admitted. Four senior engine developers at the company have been granted a leave of absence, because they have developed an illegal Software for the 3.0-l TDI diesel engine, or known about it.

The research by NDR, WDR and “süddeutsche Zeitung”. The VW Supervisory Board had commissioned the law firm of Jones Day, with the enlightenment of the Diesel scandal. The investigators have found numerous documents to prove the fraud. A key finding is a Mail from the year 2007. It deals with the strict emission values in the USA. An Audi engineer to bluntly have to a larger circle of Audi managers wrote: “without Cheating” not going to make it.

In the course of the investigation in the case of VW, Jones Day came across more and more information, how strong is a car that was involved in the fraud. So the Audi engineers have apparently used only a fraud software for your own Premium 3-Liter vehicles. You should also have the fraud at VW, relevant and supported. Audi is now in the group as the “mother of fraud”.

Audi refers to the rule of silence

so Far, Audi had denied to have its engines in a fraud software used cheated. The Ingolstadt-based car maker

had asserted that certain of the specs of the engine control had not been disclosed to the US authorities, only””. This Version allows for the investigation of Jones Day are difficult to Match.

Audi did not want to repeat his previous display that you have not cheated, at the request of NDR, WDR and SZ. On the question of whether Audi will stay at the presentation, said the group’s spokesman, it is under a silent bid of US judge Charles Breyer.

allegations to be tested

Among the furloughed employees, is also the former development chief Stefan Knirsch. He is burdened by witness statements and e-Mails, what he knew of the fraud. According to the findings of Jones Day, the evidence against him overwhelming. Crunching denies the allegations. Against the Chairman of the Board, Rupert Stadler, however, no concrete evidence available yet.

it is Unclear what should the criminal have to fear legal consequences of the Audi employees. The Prosecutor’s office in Braunschweig today announced that it was reviewing allegations against Audi employees. At the Prosecutor’s office in Munich, there’s already been a year since a full system scan. In the US files a number of Audi-employees, as charged.

“The next big thing”: VW-digital-in-chief announces the end of the driver’s license of

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