Thursday, September 29, 2016

Toll for cars – the next failed major project – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

no one was Surprised in Berlin, as the EU Commission on Wednesday Germany is due to the toll for Cars in front of the European court of justice sued. Since the beginning of the year, Federal transport Minister Alexander Dobrindt (CSU) requires that the Commission’s highest court the question of whether the toll with EU law or not, clear – and accused the Commission on several occasions, to delay the decision. Also on Thursday, he was self-aware. “The infrastructure levy is in conformity with European law, the European court of justice,” he said in Berlin. “Germany is now expecting a speedy trial, so that the Infrastructure charge may then be implemented technically.”

Hendrik Kafsack author: Hendrik Kafsack, economic correspondent in Brussels. Manfred schäfer author: Manfred Schäfers, Economics correspondent in Berlin.

went Politically, the CSU politician is a research with the Occurrence of not a large risk. Proceedings before the European court of justice (ECJ) usually last for two years. Even if the Commission had been elected at the beginning of the year to Luxembourg, would have been completed, the process is hardly up to the election in the fall of 2017. With the introduction of the method about a year before the date a decision is ruled out before the election, in fact. The result will thus have to deal only with the next government, what Dobrindt know, of course. You must then change the software of the law on the introduction of the toll for Cars to avoid fines.

The chances of the Federal government are not good

The chances that the Federal government gets in the procedural law, according to experts, is not good. The violation of the EU law is to obvious. The is that the Federal government wants to charge a toll for Cars. On the contrary, The

EU Commission has always stressed that it welcomes the collection of road user charges. The breach of EU law, the Commission considers that the local drivers are to get the toll fees in full by a reduced motor vehicle tax reimbursed. The drivers from other EU countries of deliberately worse. That was the intention, but violates the EU law that prohibits such discrimination. For this reason, the European Commission has taken action against the Slovenian motorway toll and the Austrian Vignette (“Pickerl”). Both countries have come around.

The European Commission had set from the outset, to agree with the German government on a compromise. Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker had made Dobrindt yet in April of this year concrete proposals, but was joined by the Federal Minister of transport, to no response. Nevertheless, the authority held on Thursday after the opening of the procedure of your compromise course. “This is not the last step,” said a spokeswoman. The Commission would remain in close contact with the Federal government to find a solution. Perhaps there is, according to the Federal election in a different political environment, sufficient room for this, it was said in Brussels behind closed doors.

More options on the subject of

the Federal government, according to the Commission, with the EU-law compatible toll to introduce, is, in fact, since November 2014. At that time, a Delegation from Brussels, traveled to Berlin, to the Federal government to show prior to the adoption of the controversial law, several options. This was not the last, to increase the Commuter for trips to work and back or to reduce the taxes on petrol and Diesel. This would also relieve the burden on German motorists. The toll would be offset to the comma exactly as in the case of the adopted, but not yet implemented in German legislation.

is a steep-go template for the Opposition

this is Exactly why this way for Dobrindt hard to come by. The CSU in the election campaign for the last Federal election as well as later German Chancellor Angela Merkel promised that no German would have to pay after the introduction of a Car toll more than in the past. A relief of the Commuters, or the mineral oil tax would lead exactly to this: some motorists in Germany would be more relieved than you are charged by the toll – and the other less.

Berlin’s Opposition was the announcement from Brussels, one way or the other, a steep template, which they evaluated with relish. “This lawsuit is a swatter with announcement and cringe-inducing to the Federal government,” said the Co-Chairman of the Greens, Anton Hofreiter. Dobrindt and the CSU Chairman Horst Seehofer had made their populism on every legal mind. “For the Federal government, it is overdue, this toll finally withdraw in order to avoid even greater damage.” The transport policy of the Left group, Herbert Behrens, said: “the action by The EU Commission against the toll for Cars is about as surprising as the recent announcement of new delays at the capital’s BER airport.”


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