Thursday, August 18, 2016

Real Estate: Construction boom in Germany continues – SPIEGEL ONLINE

  development area  Niedernberg in Neukirchen
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development area Niedernberg in Neukirchen

Low interest rates, high demand: In Germany as many building permits from January to June was issued as the last 16 years no longer. Especially new dormitories were asked

in the first six months of the year, the authorities have approved the construction of 182,800 homes in Germany. As reported by the Federal Statistical Office 30.4 percent over the same period last year – and the highest level since 2000.

Most up the permits for dwellings in residential homes: Here, statisticians recorded an increase of 174.2. percent compared to the first half of 2015 include refugee shelters for this category.

Large increases were also seen in multi-family dwellings (plus 30.7 percent), semi-detached houses (plus 18.3 percent) and detached houses (12 percent).

is accelerated the construction boom of low interest rates and housing hundreds of thousands of refugees. Despite the high number of building permits, however, the demand for new homes remains very high: the federal government and real estate industry estimate the annual demand for new buildings on 350000-400000 per year

Last year, the target of 250,000 new homes was missed.. therefore Mieterbund and GdW Federation of housing companies are demanding more public money for social housing, more attractive conditions for eligibility and the revision of legal regulations that restrict the building.

brk / Reuters / dpa

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