Thursday, August 25, 2016

Tax investigation against Apple and Co: US threatens EU – SPIEGEL ONLINE

  Apple logo in New York
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Apple logo in New York

The European Commission could soon demand high tax payments from American corporations. That is to the US Treasury Department to prevent – and threatened Brussels blatantly

the US Treasury criticized the European Commission for its tax investigation in relation with American corporations unusually sharp. Shortly before the expected decision to the Apple store Ireland, the Department of the Brussels authorities threatened also with unspecified countermeasures.

In a newly published paper of the US Treasury says that the competition authority of the European Commission act as an on national tax authorities and hazardous by international agreements to curb tax evasion. The payments could also reduce the tax burden of enterprises according to the United States. The Ministry “continues to evaluate possible responses if the Commission maintains its current course,” it said.

Formal directed the Commission to EU Member States investigations. In June 2014, the European Commission had actually begun an investigation against Ireland, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Countries could, so the suspect have several groups granted illegal tax benefits was. This would be classified as illegal aid under EU law and should be recovered. Besides Apple chart show are among other things Amazon chart show, the coffee house chain Starbucks chart show and affected Fiat Finance and Trade of

As a result of the first decisions Starbucks are in the Netherlands and carmaker Fiat Chrysler  chart show already reimbursed in Luxembourg dozens million euros, both companies on the other hand went to court. In the case of Apple, it could go to a few billion in Ireland. The investment bank JP Morgan calculated the maximum amount according to media reports at up to $ 19 billion

The US Treasury wants to prevent too high payments for US corporations -. Also because it itself is affected. For the companies in the US, credits paid abroad taxes.

fdi / dpa

 a total of 12 posts

What does actually have to do with Apple?
 In Ireland MANY companies are reported to save tax!
 Your disgusting Apple Gebashe you can you lubricate the hair.

What does actually have to do with Apple?
 In Ireland MANY companies are reported to save tax!
 Your disgusting Apple Gebashe you can you lubricate the hair.

according to the will of the USA to the TTIP and Gabriel judge ,
 And because of the economy it wants a signature campaign against CETA and TTIP was signed by 2,500 companies and in July 2016 the [...]

according to the will of the USA to the TTIP and Gabriel judge.
 And because of the economy it wants a signature campaign against CETA and TTIP was signed by 2,500 companies and in July 2016 the Federal Ministry of Economics passed (SMEs against TTIP).
 CETA and TTIP are just a few. Gabriel should know everyone by name.

Apple is probably the largest single item, you should because rather call the smaller? Furthermore, Apple always makes for a clean slate, so far as it is right, sometimes negative to report, even if the fanbois not [...]

Apple is probably the largest single item, one should prefer because the smaller call? Furthermore, Apple always makes for a clean slate, so far as it is right, sometimes negative to report,

even if that does not fit the fanbois “I lalalala hear nothing, I see nothing”.

this is not Apple Gebashe but Clickbaiting!

this is not Apple Gebashe but Clickbaiting!


& gt; the payments could also reduce the tax burden of enterprises according to the United States. & lt;
 Such an outrageous Bergründung takes the biscuit ground!
 If TTIP comes, should the EU States US [...]

& gt; The payments could also reduce the tax burden of enterprises according to the United States. & Lt;
 Such an outrageous Bergründung takes the biscuit ground!
 If TTIP is that EU countries US companies may not charge more taxes because …. see above!
 US companies could commit environmental sins.
 Penalties and fines? No way … see above …
 Stupid EU

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