Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Tesla Model S with 100 kWh battery: Tesla’s challenge: this value must … – ABC Online

Wednesday, 08.24.2016, 10:40
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Tesla is now building by own details the train cars with the fastest acceleration and wants to set an example for electromobility. This also sets the sportscar competition under enormous pressure to act.

The announced on Tuesday vehicles Model S sedan with larger batteries made it from zero to 60 mph (96, 5 km / h) in 2.5 seconds said CEO Elon Musk

Only two road sports car world -. LaFerrari and Porsche 918 Spyder – could accelerate faster. but be unlike the Tesla’s no mass-produced car, told Musk – which is only half true, because the cars were quite mass-produced – just in very small numbers. Thus Tesla imagine now the fastest production cars in the world here, Musk said anyway. “This is a sign that electric cars the future,” he argued

Larger battery packs in the production of complex

With the 100-kWh batteries -. About three times as much capacity as in a conventional electric car, for example, Nissan Leaf or BMW i3 – set to rise to 613 km and 542 km in SUV Model X also reach the Model S. The price to start at $ 135,000. The availability is currently limited but because the production of the larger battery pack is more complex, Musk said

Video:. Tesla Model S in “Insane” mode

with the assumed money for the top versions, the development of the announced for next year cheaper Model 3 should be financed, in which Tesla will push the price of 35,000 dollars, he said. The company had received 400,000 orders for Model 3, now the production is to be screwed up already by 2018 from last good 50,000 to 500,000 vehicles a year, two years earlier than originally envisaged.

The 100-kWh batteries are the biggest that can produce current Tesla, it said. Although they were made of the same small individual cells, as previous battery versions – but required a new architecture. For future vehicles with new batteries would jointly developed with Panasonic.

More about electric car

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No comment on “autopilot” criticism

Musk stuck to the theme of the larger battery packs and did not want to comment on the driving assistance system “autopilot” is that in after a fatal crash and several other accidents criticism became difficult. He merely repeated that the forthcoming next software version will contain improvements. The “autopilot” system is being examined by US regulators

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Porsche and Co . under pressure

the announcement Tesla is now also the

established sports car manufacturers in a tight spot. Porsche developed the Tesla rival a four-door electric sedan – which would then only for reasons of prestige be even faster than the Tesla, which is likely to present some challenges engineers. A hit list of the fastest (series) Vehicles reads currently as follows (sprint from 0 to 100 km / h selected models):

  • Porsche 918 Spyder:. 2.6 sec
  • Lamborghini Aventador SV 6.5 V12:. 2.8 sec
  • Honda NSX:. 2.9 sec
  • Tesla Model S P90D:. 3.0 sec
  • Ferrari 458 Speciale 4.5 V8. 3.0 sec
  • Porsche 911 Turbo S:. 3.2 sec

video: Porsche mission e

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