An alliance against the FTA Ceta ranges on Wednesday (10:45), the biggest civil action before the Federal Constitutional court. More than 125,000 people have joined.
The good 70 boxes with their powers were transported by truck to Karlsruhe and are passed along with the application to the court will. Behind the action are the organizations Food Watch, Campact and the club more democracy. Per urgent application, the initiators want to prevent Ceta is explained with the planned for the end of October for signing provisionally applicable. elaborated the action has the Cologne law professor Bernhard Kempen.
It is the fifth constitutional complaint, which is directed against the soon-to signing agreements between the EU and Canada. On Saturday a 70-year-old woman from NRW had filed a lawsuit against Ceta with over 68,000 supporters in Karlsruhe
Food Watch against constitutional challenge. Ceta is TTIP through the back door
The swan song of SPD leader Sigmar Gabriel on the planned FTA TTIP between the EU and the USA is nothing but tactics consumer organization Food Watch believes. “Many explained TTIP only therefore dead to push through Ceta,” said Food Watch economist Lena Blanken in Karlsruhe. But that standing before signing agreements between the EU and
Federal Minister Gabriel had TTIP “failed de facto” at the weekend declared but Ceta defended. His SPD will define its position on Ceta on a party convention on September 19.
Blanken called the two agreements “twins in spirit”. Also Ceta will have a negative impact on the environment and consumer protection. The influence of parliaments would decrease the rise of corporations
In the video:. Tension in the grand coalition – Merkel is to be towed over Gabriel

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