Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Online shopping: Amazon brings the “Dash” button to Germany – FOCUS Online

Wednesday, 08.31.2016, 22:23
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online shopping is easier will. Push the button in the future. At least with Amazon: The shipping giant leads in Germany the so-called Dash button. But there are also critics.

The online retailer giant Amazon wants to revolutionize shopping again. Since Wednesday is also available in the Germany, the so-called “Dash buttons” – small devices that consist essentially of a button. A pressure on them is enough to buy a fixed in advance by app product. The “Dash” can be executed directly adhered where consumables are running low; about the washing machine, to reorder a finger movement new washing powder can. Amazon Prime customers will then receive their order the next day free of charge.

This online shopping is so undigital and simultaneously as easy as never before. And that’s probably the plan of the retail giant: To date, should reduce the number of Germans who order products online everyday, be rather small. That is about to change. To start the system Amazon Dash offers different products and manufacturers for 32nd Approximately for dishwashing, animal feed, coffee, razors or even condoms. The buttons cost 4.99 euros each – but the price to be paid for the first order

Amazon tries in series-business, innovative ways to go.. won Which star of the shipping giant for his latest project, learn Report Clipfish

However, also already first critic and warning voices to speak. For example, caution is necessary because the current

price of the goods ordered are not visible until after the actual order process in the corresponding smartphone app. Also put one heavily on a product of a particular manufacturer fixed. Another issue is – again – Privacy. So said Boris Hedde the Institute for Trade Research NDR, Amazon go there primarily to data recovery.

“Get closer to the customer than it is now no more. Amazon gets the daily focus, resulting in a need. That is, speaking in the future it may be that Amazon already sets me goods out the door before I ordered it at all, “Hedde said. With regard to another issue, Amazon has after all taken precautions: click lock end children or pets are likely to ruin any Dash users. Supposedly only an order is received respectively – open the order channel is then again when the delivery reaches the customer

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