Job Center in Sangerhausen (Sachsen-Anhalt)
in August 2.684 million people were unemployed in Germany – something even more than in July. In comparison, the balance is still positive.
the number of unemployed in Germany rose to 2.684 million in August to 23,000. That’s 111,000 less than a year ago, as the Federal Employment Agency (BA) has announced that, and the lowest number in 25 years. The unemployment rate rose by 0.1 points to 6.1 percent.
Because of the holiday season the number of unemployed increases regularly slightly in July and August. Many graduates login mid temporarily unemployed, and many businesses are waiting with new hires until after the holidays. Compared to previous years, however, the development is the SA According better: On average the past three years the number of unemployed rose in August by 28,000.
“The overall labor market has continued to develop well. Unemployment has risen seasonally in August, seasonally adjusted but declined,” said BA chief Frank-Jürgen Weise. Demand for labor is still high, which proves to employment and the number of registered vacancies
After seasonal adjustment -. Ie after adjusting for seasonal influences – in August were thus 2.675 million people in Germany without work. Thus, the number of unemployed decreased compared to July at 7000. In West Germany, the number back to 1000, in the East by 6000. In addition, in August 685.000 jobs in BA were registered, 89,000 more than a year ago.
the official number is, however, not the actual size of unemployment again. Thus, if you count as unemployed in employment measures or incapacitated Diseased, in August 3.577 million people without jobs have been. These so-called underemployment rose in August, but lower, by around 7000 compared with the previous month.
fdi / dpa
Well, there’s an internationally comparable calculation method (ILO).
It should be noted that after the [...]
Posted by Nick Selter Only times as an inspiration, I would be even a comparison of the methods for calculating the unemployment rate in Germany interested in other major economies – maybe with some explanations. Perhaps SPON can to indeed times to publish an article?
Well, there’s an internationally comparable calculation method (ILO). http://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/160142/umfrage/arbeitslosenquote-in-den-eu-laendern/ is important to note that according to the international ILO method for Germany only one AL-quota of 4 , 2% is reported. The figures from the Federal Employment Agency correspond probably feel the reality – the wise yes currently an AL-quota of 6.3%
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a total of 25 posts
If the number doubled to get the actual number of unemployed people in Germany probably a little closer.
It pays a lot easier when you can so some also expected.
When. The number doubled to get the actual number of unemployed people in Germany probably closer
It pays a lot easier when you can so some also expected.
What a statistic? I would be interested even know who is dependent on benefits, how many millions are really, who can no longer survive without or with work without State aid?
What a statistic? I would be interested even know who is dependent on benefits, how many millions are really, who can no longer survive without or with work without State aid?
Only times as an inspiration, I would be even a comparison of the methods for calculating the unemployment rate in Germany interested in other major economies – maybe with some explanations. Perhaps [...]
Only times as an inspiration, I would be even a comparison of the methods for calculating the unemployment rate in Germany interested in other major economies – maybe with some explanations. Perhaps SPON can to indeed times to publish an article?
… meaningful as an overturned potato sack in China!
What would be much more interesting, is how many people Hartz IV refer and then split in the forms of employment and the expected later [...]
… meaningful as an overturned potato sack in China!
What would be much more interesting, is how many people Hartz IV refer and then split in the forms of employment and the later expected pensions!
DAS is namely what really counts!
From unemployment falling same all “employees” out. No matter are (1 ?? job training, contract and temporary workers) which these people “busy”.
What all believe, is why so many refugees should attend “integration courses” as quickly as possible?
It’s all about the “beautifying” a lie .. sorry .. a statistic! ; -)