Monday, August 29, 2016

Negotiations are marking time: Gabriel explains TTIP for failed – NEWS



 Sunday, August 28, 2016


 Sigmar Gabriel no longer believes in a free trade agreement with the US. “Since nothing is moving”, the SPD leader said in a TV report. The reason: The US stance was too hard and the Europeans are not interested to submit


SPD leader Sigmar Gabriel considers the planned TTIP free trade agreement between the EU and the US because of the hard line in the negotiations of the US government failed. “Since nothing moves,” Gabriel said in an interview for ZDF program “Berlin direkt”. Criticism of Gabriel’s attitude was loud from the Union. Within the SPD there were meanwhile further discussions on the already completed negotiated FTAs ​​Ceta with Canada.

“The negotiations with the US are de facto failed because we the American demands, of course, should not subject ourselves as Europeans” said Gabriel further TTIP. He was as well as other leading SPD politician gone distance themselves from the controversial agreement for some time. A central issue is the question of private arbitration in disputes with foreign investors. The federal government enters instead on public commercial courts, including the US but are not ready.

However, there are in the SPD also warned against allowing TTIP and Ceta. On the agreement with Canada Gabriel holds but firmly. “I am confident that the negotiated content convince at the end,” he told ZDF television. It was important that Germany insets for free trade, “because we are an export-oriented nation”. Therefore German companies benefited from such agreements “and not the large, but the little”. Unlike TTIP commercial courts are provided instead of private arbitration in Ceta.

criticism of Ceta

Against Ceta is nevertheless turned Berlin’s mayor and SPD politician Michael Müller. “If there is not yet dramatic developments and improvements in the next few weeks, I can not imagine that we can support from Berlin to me”, he told the “Berliner Morgenpost”. Berlin policy for public services and the municipal ownership of the energy supply,

housing and the health care system stand in conflict with the proposed trade agreement with Canada and the USA. This would strengthen the private sector, Muller explained his position.

Overlooking Gabriel Müller said, “such important issues we need to discuss, regardless of people”. The SPD wants to advise their position for Ceta Agreement at a party convention in Wolfsburg on 19 September. The day before, held in Berlin, the election of Deputies, competes as SPD’s lead candidate in the Müller. On September 17 demonstrations against Ceta and against TTIP in seven German cities planned.

“Well, that will be discussed”

More about

Gabriel said to the debate in the SPD, it was “perhaps very good that we are discussing in”. He could not imagine that his party ultimately “holding Europe and says, we want to hide in the very bad trade agreements that we have today” at Ceta.

again for Ceta and TTIP campaigned FDP leader Christian Lindner. “If these agreements fail, we leave the rules of globalization other,” he warned in the newspapers of Funke Mediengruppe Saturday. Lindner threw Gabriel party political maneuvering in TTIP before.

The economic spokesman for the CDU parliamentary group, Joachim Pfeiffer, criticized Gabriel comments on TTIP. “TTIP is indeed a Sisyphean task, but still far failed,” Pfeiffer told the newspapers the editors Network Germany. “I expect the economy minister, that he was raised in the interests of export-oriented German economy to the forefront of the movement and not throw in the towel.”



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