It is probably the slowest crash landing this year. The British airship Airlander had just completed its second test flight and was hovering over the runway to.
In about 40 meters to the front of the world’s biggest aircraft tended then unplanned down greatly, and the front crashed to the earth. The cockpit was heavily damaged. However, the two pilots were apparently unscathed. You are doing well, said the British airship company Hybrid Air Vehicles hours after the crash landing.
The 92 meters long and 42 meters wide airship, which has already received because of its special shape nicknamed “flying butt”, completed only six days before his First flight in the UK. The mission near the British city of Cardington was unusually short of 19 minutes. Chief pilot Dave Burns nor explained afterwards, the airships let down as if in a dream to fly.
The current mission lasted 100 minutes and all program points have been settled, it said in a statement. Then came the crash landing.
First speculation that the airship was probably damaged in the air or collided with a telephone pole, denied the company. In the next few days was to be a specific cause of research, and the development of the airship would be continued.
For the British company, the incident is a setback, especially since the company continues to seek investors put money into the project. Once cast doubt on the safety of the airship, the cash flow could dry up. Hybrid Air Vehicle has never quantified in detail, what it costs expected to develop the model for mass production and commercial use of persons, cargo transport or surveillance tasks. The Airlander 10 is in any case only a prototype for an even bigger model.
The airship has a remarkable history. In fact, the shell flew four years ago in the US. The model was then called HAV 301 and was a project from Northrop Grumman. The US defense contractor should provide a high flying spy airship for the US forces in Afghanistan.
When technical difficulties and delays have occurred, up from the US military. For example, there were weight problems, which is not the desired altitude and flight duration was reached. Whether there were problems with the control, was not known. The Pentagon had already
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