Monday, August 22, 2016

Daimler Shares – WKN 710000: Daimler recorded 0.8 percent low losses – Handelsblatt

Frankfurt Insignificant down it goes with the value of the Daimler . Until the hour of unit of carmaker loses 14 cents (0.23 percent) compared to the closing value of 61.41 euros the previous day. Last Daimler share certificate is trading at 61.27 euros.

Commerzbank has left for a press release about a dispute between the carmaker and the supplier Prevent to “buy” with a target price of 95 euros Daimler. The trader, who also located in the dispute with Volkswagen likely future get serious problems, analyst Sascha Gommel wrote in a study on Monday. The entire manufacturing industry pursues precisely the behavior of Prevent and expected their orders in future grant its competitors.

A share is one in Dax with 0.23 percent minus the loss-makers of the day. The stock is ranked 16 in the middle of the index. The Dax is currently at 10,499 points (-0.43 percent). Therefore, Daimler’s share price developed more than the index.

With a price of 61.40 euros of unit went on sale on Monday and reached the meantime an intraday high of 62.40 euros.

the Daimler share is 28.3 percent, well below the 52-week high, which is 85.50 euros. It was reached on December 1, 2015. The 52-week low comes on 6 July 2016 and is 50.83 euros.

107 460 000 Euro turnover came the stock up at 16:30. At this time, securities worth 118.1 million euros were

traded on the previous day. The all-time high of Daimler shares is 96.07 euros and was reached on March 16, 2015. With 17,20 Euro the all-time low was reached on March 2 of 2009.

Analyst comments (via Reuters)

08/19/2016 Goldman raises target for Daimler on 75 Euro – ‘Buy’
the US investment bank Goldman Sachs has raised its price target for Daimler from 69 to 75 euros and the classification to “Buy”. In the European automotive sector Although clouds showed in the sky, analyst Stefan Burgstaller wrote in an industry study on Friday. but Daimler offer a high-quality business model and an attractive dividend yield. Among the German carmakers Daimler is his “top pick” ./ ajx / the Note: Information on disclosure of conflicts of interest within the meaning of § 34 b WpHG for said analyst house, see /offenlegungspflicht/offenlegungs_pflicht.html.

Dieser market report was created with automated Textomatic software incorporating unchanged content of analysts ahead of time.


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