Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Disgust at the office: bear Disagreeable Kollgen – IMAGE

Berlin (dpa / tmn) – There are colleagues with whom you can not beat. Not even that it does not work on a professional level – no, not personally right chemistry. The colleague – who is a disgust! But what should make employees then

Because of the one can not announce yet – or is it? “I always have to ask: What are my alternatives,” says etiquette coach Nandine Meyden from Berlin. For them, there are three ways to solve the problem

L ove it. The personality of colleagues can not be changed. One option, then, is to come to terms with the situation. “You then must no longer be seen as a victim,” advises Meyden. Instead of unpleasant colleague was a training partner, the has given a life. “The goal is now to practice serenity.”

L eave it: neighbors and colleagues can not choose. “If a colleague does so unhappy that you can not stand, then you have to go,”

says Meyden. It was considered useless to say: “Because I shall now announce?” After all, it is about one’s own happiness – and who stays in the situation is unfortunate. Then it makes sense to leave company or department, rather than upset every day

C han ge it. The personality of the colleagues are employees probably can not change. “But you can talk to other colleagues and the boss,” says Meyden. Since it was not a question, to complain about the kind of unsympathetic colleagues. Instead, employees should look to see if it is possible to reduce the mutual cooperation.


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