SPD leader Sigmar Gabriel expects his own words, were convinced that the party’s position on EU-Canada Free Trade Agreement (Ceta) is based , “I can not imagine that the German Social Democracy Europe stops and tells me, we want to hide in the very bad trade agreements that we have today,” the economy minister said Sunday on ZDF. When asked what the consequences would be if his party his line does not follow, the Vice Chancellor said, “That will not happen.” The SPD would “certainly well advised” the National Convention on 19 September.
In a speech in Berlin added Gabriel, with Ceta’m forced anyone. No country would be prevented to develop higher standards. As success it appreciated again that there should be a public Commercial Court instead of the previously planned private arbitration tribunals.
The SPD chairman stressed at the same time, Ceta should not with the negotiations on the trade agreement between the EU and the US (TTIP) are confused. “In my estimation, the negotiations with the United States de facto failed, even if no one admits so right.”
In 14 rounds of negotiations have not you one of the 27 chapters hammer out a joint text. “We must not submit to the American proposals,” Gabriel.
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