Sunday, August 28, 2016

FTA: Gabriel holds TTIP for failed – Times Online

German Economics Minister Sigmar Gabriel considers the FTA TTIP for practically no longer feasible. The negotiations were “de facto failed, even if no one admits so right”, the SPD leader said on Sunday at the Open Day of the National Press. In 14 rounds of negotiations on 27 chapters TTIP they had “not hingekriegt a single common text”. Gabriel demanded that the European side is not the American proposals could subdue.

Gabriel defended the SPD debates on TTIP and the planned European-Canadian FTA Ceta. He was pleased that the Social Democrats were discussing such an important project, “have other parties, even before it was translated into German, know that they are for or against.” It was regrettable that Ceta’m often thrown into the debate with TTIP in a pot: “I am for the Canadian agreement, because it would force us to raise all the bad deal the past times to a better standard and second,. because it would prevent us from the United States or anyone else to conclude a new bad deal. ”

It is important that Germany insets for free trade, “because we are an export-oriented nation “. Therefore German companies benefited from such agreements “and not the large, but the little”. Unlike TTIP commercial courts are

provided instead of private arbitration in Ceta.

counter Ceta and thus against Gabriel’s position is Berlin’s mayor Michael Müller (SPD) has spoken. “If there is not yet dramatic developments and improvements in the next few weeks, I can not imagine that we can support from Berlin to me,” he said of the Berliner Morgenpost . Berlin policy for public services and the municipal ownership of the energy supply, housing and the health care system stand in conflict with the proposed trade agreement with Canada and the US, because this would strengthen the private sector.

on September 17 demonstrations against both agreements have been announced in several German cities. Ceta applies critics as a blueprint for TTIP. The SPD wants to define its position on Ceta Agreement on September 19 at a party convention in Wolfsburg. “We will certainly wise advise and decide in the end,” Gabriel told ZDF television. “I can not imagine that the German Social Democracy Europe persists and says, we want to hide in the whole bad deal to me.”


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