Monday, August 22, 2016

Golf production in Wolfsburg stands still: VW at loggerheads with suppliers … – ABC Online

Monday, 08.22.2016, 22:20
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The unprecedented conflict of Volkswagen with two key suppliers always reached new dimensions. At VW considering a supply cut-offs stand still many bands, so far are 28,000 VW employees affected. The supplier industry fears impact to other suppliers.

According to information of the German Press Agency, the carmaker and the supplier struggled on Monday to reach a settlement. Results There were no early evening initially. The supplier ES Automobilguss and Car Trim, belonging to the group Prevent, VW supply currently not required transmission parts and seat covers. Between the company and VW raging dispute over the termination of contracts. The backgrounds are unclear.

Experts fear chain reaction

The delivery stop swirls large parts of production at VW sensitive mess. First and foremost is the Golf production shut in the main factory in Wolfsburg.

According to industry figures behind the Golf production around 500 suppliers who now increasingly in trouble. Because of the mounting shortages of VW could not extradite their parts and had to start rolling stocks. “The knock-on effects for the entire value chain are already considerably”, said the chief executive of the Federal Association of Materials Management, Purchasing and Logistics, Christoph Feldmann, in Frankfurt on Monday.

Also, the chief executive of the employers’ association NiedersachsenMetall, Volker Schmidt, sees the development with concern. “At least now, as production at its main plant in Wolfsburg suspends, threatens the situation fully fend on the supply chains,” warned Schmidt. From the fire no conflagration could be. All stakeholders should therefore seek as soon as possible to reach an agreement.

Federal Ministry of Economics puts pressure

The Federal Ministry of Economy urges a rapid solution. . “We believe and expect that the parties can resolve the outstanding issues as soon as possible,” said a spokesman in Berlin

VW works council head Bernd Osterloh attacked the two suppliers: “In our believes the responsibility lies clearly at the supplier. Or do you think we as a

council do not ask whose fault it is that our colleagues have to stay at home, “Osterloh said the” Bild “newspaper (Monday).

accusations by the supplier

the trader involved argue against VW forcing them to practice the delivery stop because the carmaker had “timely and baseless” canceled orders and refuse financial compensation for it. The delivery stop done to protect themselves and fight for the future of their own employees.

At the company ES Automobilguss in Schoenheide in Erzgebirge a staff meeting is scheduled for this Tuesday, as the dpa learned. Hence the workers’ representatives expected answers to the many questions about the future of the supplier.

VW could with bailiffs come

Volkswagen puts on a friendly settlement, but has already announced that if necessary all legal options exploit. The Landgericht Braunschweig had issue injunctions which require suppliers to resume deliveries. VW could but prevail before the end of this week’s claims by bailiffs and fetch the parts.

The Financial Supervisory Authority BaFin checked after stopping production at VW, the Group retains the public about the problems would previously have to inform. “We will look at the whole thing,” said a spokeswoman authorities. The BaFin will consider whether there had been in a dispute with suppliers and the following production stop to inside information that Volkswagen would have to publish. A VW spokesman said in writing: “We believe to have properly fulfilled our capital market law obligations.”

Also Daimler trial

Meanwhile fights alongside Volkswagen and Daimler with the suppliers Prevent group in court. Before the Landgericht Braunschweig, the supplier would erstreiten 40 million euros in damages, said a spokesman for the court. Prevent see accordingly to contracts of Daimler not fulfilled and does not effectively terminated. On November 8, will first question clarified which chamber is responsible at all for the process. After the action before the Landgericht Braunschweig was first passed wide of the trade to the Civil Division, the court’s jurisdiction now actually looks in Stuttgart (Az .: 9 O 2142/15). “Bild am Sonntag” and “Süddeutsche Zeitung” had previously reported on the dispute.

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