Monday, August 29, 2016

Business associations criticize Gabriel for TTIP swansong – THE WORLD

Frankfurt / Main – business associations practice sharp criticism of the swan song of Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) on the proposed FTA TTIP between the EU and the USA.

“I find it amazing that the Federal Minister of Economics explains the TTIP negotiations for de facto failed,” said Ulrich Grillo, President of the Federation of German industry (BDI), on Monday. This was politically questionable, as it businesses and citizens take the big advantages that enable such a deal.

From the union camp Gabriel got support. IG Bau chief Robert Craven said, everything is known so far about TTIP, contradicts “our idea of ​​living together in Europe”.

Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) at the weekend, “failed de facto” negotiations to TTIP ZDF summer interview declared. “Since moving nothing.” When Europeans should not submit to the US talks to itself. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) is different than Gabriel more chances of success. “It is right to continue to negotiate,” said government spokesman Steffen Seibert.

The planned free trade agreement between the EU and US to reduce trade barriers between the two economies and standards in products and processes converge. However, the calls to the controversial treaty falter for a long time.

BDI head Grillo called for by the federal government, however, a “much stronger public and political use” for the FTA. Even the German Industry and Commerce (DIHK) turned against Gabriel. The TTIP negotiations with the US is undoubtedly a challenge, said President Eric Schweitzer. “But we have common interests and values, so we should not cease to negotiate seriously on.”

The federal government should the EU Commission strengthen the back, said Matthias Wissmann, President of the Association of the automotive industry (VDA). “Instead of the agreement of party tactical reasons abandon, it is the effort for a good conclusion to reinforce.”

Support for TTIP also called for the engineering federation VDMA. “As Minister of Economics of Export Nation Germany Sigmar Gabriel has the duty, without ifs and buts to use for free trade,” emphasized VDMA chief executive Thilo Brodtmann. “Free trade is too important now to sacrifice him partisan interests.”


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