Sunday, August 28, 2016

Academisation even whines Now the middle class not enough apprentices – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

the medium-sized enterprises could lift long against the apprentice shortage , But now clearly demonstrates that even they are not immune to the problems

Most. trainees in Germany learn still in SMEs. These were able to report stable apprentice numbers despite the difficult situation on the training market in recent years. Yet you look into the future is bleak. Given declining enrollments KfW has long counted the first time with fewer students in the SME

The pessimistic view of the middle class forms part of a series of negative reports on the interest of young people at a vocational training. The President of the German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK), Jochen Schweitzer had, for the end of the week found clear words. The company “go the candidates,” he said: “Around 14,000 have no more applicants.” The balance on completed apprenticeship contracts in late July to read anything but encouraging. 172 224 open apprenticeships had the DIHK to report at this time.

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In the past five years small and medium-sized companies, it was nevertheless still quite well, keeping the number of trainees is about 1.2m constant as the KfW Bankengruppe on the occasion of the start of the new training year on. 1 September announced. The total number of trainees reportedly sank against it by once 1.61 million in 2008 to 1.34 million last year.

“For the just launched training 2016. However, we expect a slight decline in trainees in the SME sector, “said KfW chief economist Jörg Zeuner. The reason: There are fewer and fewer graduates and increasingly want to study

apprentices prefers increasingly in medium-sized

Nine out of ten graduates completed KfW According their training last at a medium. companies. “The training activity is shifting ever further into the middle class,” Zeuner said. For small and medium-sized companies reported to have two-thirds of employees work nationwide, but now almost 90 percent of apprentices.

The large SMEs with 50 or more employees carry KfW According most to vocational training. Nearly half of the 1.2 million trainees is there under contract.

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The smaller was an operation, the less likely he had apprentices. Exception is the craft. The many small businesses are far above average education active, according to the preliminary analysis of the SME Panels 2016th

opportunities for refugees improve

The KfW encouraged to develop pre-employment measures to increase the chances of young refugees improve without a training place. “The integration of refugees is currently one of the key challenges of the VET system in Germany,” Zeuner said.

For SME counts the state-owned development bank companies in Germany with an annual turnover of not more than 500 million euros. The SME Panel

2016 for KfW exceed 15 000 firms interviewed on various topics to be published in October.

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