Sunday, August 28, 2016

TTIP: Sigmar Gabriel declared negotiations failed – SPIEGEL ONLINE

German Economics Minister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) provides for the planned FTA TTIP between the EU and the USA no chance. “The negotiations with the US are de facto failed because we the American demands, of course, Europeans must not submit to,” Gabriel said in the ZDF summer interview. “Since moving nothing.” In 14 rounds of negotiations, the negotiators would not have achieved in a single of 27 areas agreement.

Over the past few months Gabriel had become increasingly apparent by TTIP departed, after he had defended the envisaged agreement. In April he had the United States warned of a failure, they do not open for European companies public procurement. In May he doubted the Bundestag in mind that the negotiations could be concluded this year -. Which is considered a prerequisite for the agreement can ever be closed

A few weeks eventually before was an estimate from Gabriel economy Ministry announced that confirms the company’s internal doubts about a conclusion of the negotiations in the tenure of US President Barack Obama.

this position change Gabriel brings a year before the general election against Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) in position, which occurs still for TTIP. In addition, the SPD leader parts pivots to the line further his party, which is opposed to the transatlantic FTA skeptical.

Ceta in SPD disputed

However, this applies resistance in the SPD not only TTIP but Ceta, the proposed agreement between the EU and Canada. Gabriel defended Ceta turn, continues vehemently – and complained that it was often confused with the TTIP agreement: “The debate has been very difficult by the Agreement with Canada and the US has been lumped together, and that is wrong” Gabriel said the ZDF.

Unlike TTIP

Ceta has been negotiated and is considered a blueprint for the agreement with the US. The SPD wants to define its position on the agreement between the EU and Canada on September 19 at a party convention in Wolfsburg. “We will certainly wise advise and decide in the end,” said Gabriel.

Regardless of the resistance within the SPD party chief proceeds from an agreement of the Social Democrats: “I can not imagine that the German Social Democracy Europe continues and says: ‘We would rather stay with the whole bad deal . ‘ “Gabriel called Ceta on Sunday in the National press as a” quantum leap “in terms of all the earlier agreements.

Especially SPD politician on the campaign trail to see the significantly different. “At Ceta I have great concerns. If there is not yet dramatic developments and improvements in the next few weeks, I can not imagine that we can support from Berlin,” said about Berlin Prime Minister Michael Müller of the “Berliner Morgenpost”.

In an interview Müller went on to say, with the Ceta-contract the private sector would be strengthened. The stand in conflict with the way the Berlin go for example to the municipal ownership in the energy supply or the living. Previously had the speaker of the Parliamentary Left in the SPD, Matthias Miersch, demanded improvements at Ceta.

How TTIP – finally understood


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