Friday, August 26, 2016

Apple IOS update against spyware “Pegasus” – THE WORLD

A newly discovered spy software to get an hitherto unprecedented access to iPhones and other Apple devices can. IT security firm Lookout According to the program could read along, among other messages and emails, track calls, tap passwords, record audio and track the location of the user thanks to three previously unknown software vulnerabilities.

According to the findings of experts, the program has also been used against human rights defenders and journalists. Apple stuffed the vulnerabilities in the iPhone system iOS on Thursday -. Approximately two weeks after the first suspected

It is unprecedented that a software to monitor iPhones with such skills that are usually attributed only intelligence, could be detected and analyzed. According to the experts behind the program a company from Israel, which was acquired by a financial investor and was regarded as a sort of cyber arms dealer.

Breakdown Flew was the malicious program when a well-known human rights activists from the United Arab Emirates have become suspicious when a message with a link to information about the alleged torture of detainees in the country, it said. Instead of clicking the link, Ahmed Mansur had turned the security researchers. They gave the discovered surveillance program named “Pegasus”.

spy software sets itself to encryption

” Pegasus is the most sophisticated attack that we have ever seen on a terminal, “summed Lookout. The program benefit from the fact that mobile devices are deeply integrated into everyday life. In addition, they combined a variety of information such as passwords, photos, emails, contact lists, GPS location data. The spy software is modular and go for encryption to evade detection. Lookout lets iPhone users now with an app check if your device has been infected.

The Canadian Citizen Lab also found evidence that a Mexican journalist and so far unidentified persons known target in Kenya had been spied on by means of “Pegasus”. Overall, however, was initially unclear how wide and how long they may have been used.

A spokesman for suspected as author Company NSO Group explained the “New York Times “, you only sell to government agencies and keep strictly to export regulations. He did not comment on whether software company in the UAE or in Mexico was being used.

spy software took three steps

The list published by Apple iOS version 9.3.5. is intended touch for iPhone, iPad tablet and the multimedia player iPod. For the Group, the spy program is a painful damper: The safety of the equipment is an important pillar of the Apple marketing and the Group invested heavily in encryption and other security mechanisms. Apple stressed that they always recommend users to use the latest version of iOS. The spy software went into three steps:

Step one: a vulnerability in Apple’s Safari web browser could any software code to run. The attackers took advantage of this in order to load the attack elements of “Pegasus” on the device. To trigger this, you need to click on a crafted link. The only unusual behavior for the user was that joined the Safari app

Step two:. The now on the device active “Pegasus” software

felt thanks to the second vulnerability that Apple actually hidden heart of the iPhone operating system iOS, called the kernel. He is a key element for the security of the device

Step three:. has reported a vulnerability in the kernel itself secured “Pegasus “wide-ranging access to the iPhone. The spying program secretly led by a “Jailbreak” – so is the process in which an iPhone is freed from the limitations provided by Apple. Some users make the self in order to install more software and configure the device more freely. But this fall, the hurdles for attacks. So here, too: After unrecognized “Jailbreak” “Pegasus” monitoring software could add

So-called “zero-day” security breaches, the seller said. software are not known to be used by intelligence services and criminal hackers. Also, the computer worm “Stuxnet”, of sabotaging the Iranian nuclear program, attacked several such gaps. “Zero-day” vulnerabilities in iPhones traded expensive and can cost a million dollars. That “Pegasus” three took advantage of them, therefore, is relatively uncommon.

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