Tuesday, December 20, 2016

VW compromise with the U.S. plaintiffs for a larger diesel car in THE WORLD

updated: 22:11 PM | Reading time: 3 minutes

S – Francisco – Volkswagen comes in tackling the “diesel gate”-pre-loads Right in the United States. After months of struggle, with the US authorities, the group found a compromise for the exhaust gas to scandal affected Diesel vehicles with larger engines.

VW had agreed to repurchase for approximately 20,000 of the total of well-80.000 3.0-Liter vehicles with illegal exhaust technology, said of judge Charles Breyer at a hearing on Tuesday in San Francisco. In the rest of the cars in the group should initially receive the Chance of a recall action. The conversion should fail, would have bought this car.

The settlement relates to larger diesel cars from the VW group – it’s expensive thick vessels such as the Porsche Cayenne and VW Touareg, but especially to many of Audi’s luxury models. Repurchases are to be offered for older vehicles of model years 2009 to 2012. With the newer models, VW hopes to be able to the forbidden emission Software eliminate, which would save a lot of money. Generally, the comparison confirms that at least 85 percent of the cars will be put into a compliant state, or of the road disappear, otherwise further payments threaten. < p>in Addition to the returns and repairs must pay the group $ 225 million in an environmental Fund and $ 25 million, the use of emission-free cars support.

Also with the lawyers of the affected customers was achieved, according to Breyer, an agreement in essential aspects. The judge spoke of the “substantial compensation” for the diesel owner. Details should be announced at a further hearing on Thursday. What is the new comparison of the VW costs so, it is not yet known. So far, the wolf burgers for the management of loads from the diesel crisis of 18.2 billion euros.

A VW spokesman in Wolfsburg, said it was a “major step forward”. The parties continued to work on a solution to the remaining issues.

VW had given in September of 2015, according to allegations of the US environmental authorities to have on a large scale for exhaust-gas tests manipulated. In the case of smaller diesel Liter cars with 2.0 engines had agreed the group with U.S. claimants already on a up to 16.5-billion-Dollar settlement.

The automotive suppliers, Bosch is accused of fraud in the United States because of involvement in the Exhaust gas, has also reached an in-principle agreement with the U.S. plaintiffs. Details on this Breyer called for the time being. The company referred to the final agreement to a confidentiality obligation. The agreement is preliminary, and concerns only civil liability claims, a spokesman said.

U.S. media had previously reported, a comparison could cost Bosch more than $ 300 million. How the agreement looks like, specifically, about the next court could be hearing information. It is to be held this Thursday at 11.00 local time (20.00 CET).

United States court website for the “Clean Diesel”-case


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