Every second employee in Germany must, allegedly, in old age, with a statutory pension under the basic security level expected. The current data overview of the Federal government and the Federal Statistical office, from the “Saarbrücker Zeitung” quotes. Accordingly, a monthly gross salary of 2330 Euro is currently necessary in order to achieve in the course of an average long working life of 38 years, a pension in the amount of the state basic social security in old age.
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However, earned 19.5 million of the approximately 37 million employees, which are recorded in the current structure of earnings survey of the Bureau of statistics, less,
The data of the labour market had requested policy spokeswoman for the Left party, Sabine Zimmermann,. She demanded to strengthen the state pension so that no one had to fear poverty in old age.
However, the income of pensioners feeds from other sources, such as company pensions, life insurance, or rental income. According to the current pension insurance report by the Federal social Minister Andrea Nahles (SPD), the newspaper said, come nearly two-thirds of the income of pensioners in the statutory pension insurance.

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