Saturday, December 24, 2016

Basic security after 38 years of work: shock data shows: Every second … – FOCUS Online

basic security after 38 years of work: government data show that Every second employee with poverty pension, expected

Saturday, 24.12.2016, 09:10

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you have a Job and will pay for 38 years in the pension Fund? Nevertheless, old-age poverty threatens you – and you wouldn’t be alone: More than every second employee in Germany is on the way in the basic security in old age, as current Figures of the Federal government.

More than half of the employees in Germany can be expected in the age with only a state pension on basic security level. This is according to a report in the “Saarbrücker Zeitung” of Saturday from a current data overview of the Federal government and the Federal Statistical office in Wiesbaden.

Thus, currently, a monthly gross salary of 2330 Euro necessary to achieve in the course of an average long working life, currently at 38 years, a pension in the amount of the state basic social security in old age.

52 per cent of the workforce threatens basic security

Of the 37 million jobs that have been recognised in the current structure of earnings survey of the Federal Statistical office for the year of 2014, deserved, however, approximately 19.5 million Employees less than 2330 euros a month. Thus, 52 percent of employees would get a pension of less than 795 Euro. Currently, the average basic social security needs in old age.

Despite the high level of Employment would have to look many of the workers in an uncertain future, criticized the labour market policy spokeswoman for the Left party, Sabine Zimmermann, who had requested the data. “The state pension needs to be strengthened, that no one need fear poverty in old age,” demanded carpenter.

pension level will fall to 43.5 percent

the reason for the dramatic development about low wages in the retail or in the hospitality of the high number of commercial part, time, workers, as well as the growing share of Mini-jobbers or Solo-self-employed in the labour market. But, above all, the decreasing level of pensions experts are Worried.

By 2030 it will fall to 43.5 percent of the average wage of the whole working-life. Currently, the pension level is still just under 48 percent. The melting of the pension amount has already been many years ago, under the red-green government of Gerhard Schröder decided.

minimum pension should be ten percent on basic security

the Federal social

Minister Andrea Nahles (SPD) wants to ensure a minimum pension that people who have worked all their lives, stand in the future in the age better than those who have never or only little contributions paid. A prerequisite for the new performance is that it was employed for 35 years. Also, periods of childcare or care is to be taken into account. Also, up to five years of unemployment and five years in respect of disability pension to include Nahles. Starting in the year 2023 must then be according to the concept for at least 40 years of contributions presented, in order to be eligible.

however, Who is protected by his Partner or other income to be financially sufficient should not receive the new minimum pension. Therefore, Nahles' concept provides a unique means test. This is done at the time of retirement. An exception to this rule for income from occupational or private pensions, for which an exemption scheme is to apply. So Nahles wants to ensure that additional pension is paid to low earners in each case.

Also wants to guarantee Nahles until 2045 a pension level of at least 46 percent. If nothing is done, will fall to the level of pensions from today, around 48 percent to 41.7 percent. From 2030 to be introduced, according to Nahles also a demographic subsidy from tax funds, is expected to grow by 2040 to 2.5 percent of the pension expenditure.

In the Video: You tell us how much you earn and we will tell you how much pension you get

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