Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Capital airport: BER in the approach to 2018 – daily mirror

All the years. The time is once again on the capital’s future airport in Schönefeld, the construction of the BER and the finances. For months the sparrows from the roofs, pipes, the of the leaders, still officially promoted the goal of opening in November 2017, has become illusory. How the daily mirror reported on a regular basis, in 2016 ripped so far, all self-imposed deadlines and over-time plans. And the Airport Manager Karsten mill field spoke to last only a “low Chance”.

excitement sparked on Tuesday night a message of the “Bild”newspaper, that there was a specific secret schedule for the displacement of the BER launch in 2018 and that this is, in fact, a done deal.

but even that, was denied. There is no such a secret plan, said an airport spokesman. It’ll stick to the timetable that had been announced after the Supervisory Board meeting in December. Thereafter, the Airport Manager Karsten mill field had stated that you want to set in January 2017 on a date for the opening. Also in Brandenburg, the airport coordinator, Rainer Bretschneider, said no decision was known. And members of the Supervisory Board, no concrete “Plan B”. In the documents for the December meeting, it was sought: “opening in the fourth quarter of 2017.”

structural residues in all corners

But even if the displacement of the postponed opening has not yet been decided, is a BER–Start in just eleven months, however, the residues in all corners virtually impossible. The construction work in the Terminal, which should only be in March, then in the summer, the last of which was completed in December, are not yet completed. Also with the commissioning of the systems afterwards-all is well. Even the Piers, a relatively simple wing, it was thought to be finished, is

not removed. The inspections had found that extinguishing water pipes were not sized properly and rework is necessary. And the airport hopes that the building control office of the district of Dahme-Spreewald granted despite late-filed documents in January to the last building permit, the so-called sixth Supplement. Previously, it had declared Berlin’s reigning Michael Müller (SPD) as Chairman of the Supervisory Board and mill field, serious no opening date.

Also, the financing may depends on burst

the additional funding. As reported, threatens the with the banks negotiated new 2.5-billion-to-bursting credit for the BER, if the approval of the sixth Addendum shall not be issued until mid-January. And although “up to 16. January 2017, 10 o’clock”, as in a day-to-day level this confidential for the December-the Supervisory Board “Agenda. Funding of 2.5 billion Euro". “A waiver of the 6. Addendum for the effectiveness of the guarantee and thus a Change in the surety’s decision is rejected by the Land of Berlin." It is a condition for the necessary 100-percent guarantee of the BER-owners-Berlin, Brandenburg and the Federal government, without which the new BER-billion credit will not flow.

The money is needed, among other things, in order to Finance a 650-million program for the first provisional extensions to the small BER. Thus, the credit issue is resolved, the building control office at least a permit until the end of January 2017.


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