Monday, December 26, 2016

Charge Christmas greetings from Athens – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Christmas peace does not seem to be his thing: Greece’s Finance Minister, Euclid Tsakalotos

Greece’s Finance Minister, Euclid Tsakalotos, the Christmas wishes are the occasion for a bitter indictment. The Marxist-oriented Professor of Economics who grew up in England, used the social-critical Christmas story of Charles Dickens as a template for the Christmas greeting of his Ministry. In the story of Dickens a miserly and heartless business man named Ebenezer Scrooge, on Christmas eve a visit from the Ghost of his deceased, yet geizigeren business partner.

Tobias Piller author: Tobias Piller, Economics correspondent for Italy and Greece, with seat in Rome.

The allusion is to the creditors of Greece, obviously. The European partners and the International monetary Fund is not estimated as a Savior of the country, provided with three auxiliary programs to date, a total of 240 billion euros in long-term, low-interest rate loans available. The Minister of Finance is obviously frustrated that the negotiations of Greece with the money lenders about the terms for the next credit tranche, and an easing of credit conditions do not make progress.

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From the point of view of the lender, the Greece-loans only make sense if the Land is so competitive and in the long term on its own two feet. Minister Tsakalotos sees this in his Christmas greeting is quite different: “Maybe stories comes in all Christmas is a terrible Ebenezer, the met, in his desperate loneliness, the spirit of Christmas, and maybe our Christmas is no exception”, – stated in the Text to the Illustration from the Dickens story. “But our desires of success to all the Ebenezer’s of this world.”

back to the instability, said Tsipras.">


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