Tuesday, December 27, 2016

IW-survey among associations: economy expects weak growth for 2017 – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

In the automotive industry, the mood could be better.

The German economy will continue to grow in the year 2017. The shot of the Cologne Institute for economic research (IW) in its traditional survey of the industry associations of the year. Although the majority of the 48 associations of a higher production, but three expected, only a significant increase in. Confident in particular, the construction and related industries. Eight associations expect a worse result. A downward trend, among other things, the car in fear of the mobile industry and the financial sector.

Andreas Mihm author: Andreas Mihm, Economics correspondent in Berlin.

the IW Director Michael Hüther-founded the global slope to protectionism and nationalism. The outcome of the election in America and the forthcoming Brexit are Prime examples of this. “The brakes, of course, the economic prospects of an

export-oriented country,” said Hüther. In spite of the General uncertainty about one third of the Association of computing after all, in order that the companies of the respective industry invested in the coming year, more than in 2016.

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This was especially true for the service sector. The digitisation will in many industries be more meaningful. The driver of the investments of the companies. Only chemistry, air – and spacecraft, as well as the plastic processors would drive back your investment. For energy-intensive companies, the uncertainties of the energy transition, play an important role.

On the labour market should give it, according to the assessment of the employer middle Institut hardly any changes: a 20-associations calculated for the year 2017 with a steady employment, 15 expect a staff increase, 12 reduction. In addition to the construction-related industries, many service companies – for example, from the information and exhibition industry as well as in the areas of freight forwarding, Leasing and tourism – wanted to hire new employees. On the other hand, in the financial needs and insurance sectors expect a further reduction.


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