Friday, December 23, 2016

Unisters travel portals to go to Czech Investor – MIRROR ONLINE

Websites such as or will in the future be controlled from Prague. The Investor Rockaway Capital takes over the portals of the insolvent Unister group. The Leipzig site wants to expand Rockaway.

commercial signs of Unister in Leipzig


company signs of Unister in Leipzig

The Czech Investor Rockaway Capital travel buys division of the insolvent Internet company Unister in Leipzig. The insolvency administrator Luke Flöther, to be informed. Include Unister Travel portals,,, billigflü and

All the 520 jobs in the travel business are to be preserved. According to information from both sides has been agreed on the purchase price of silence. The creditors have agreed to the sale. The transfer is for the 1. January 2017 is planned.

Rockaway Capital claims to be the leading Internet investor in Central and Eastern Europe. With the Online provider Invia he already operates a well-established brand on the Eastern European travel market in the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary. “As Invia, and the former Unister-based companies on the same business model, we will use our combined forces to create a pan-European market leader in the Online travel segment,” said Jaroslaw Czernek, Investment Partner at Rockaway and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Invia.

The Leipzig site in future, to be expanded, said Czernek. Investment sums he did not name. Rockaway wool rely heavily on a local Team and the Management in Leipzig, Germany. The Leipzig site is the first step for entry into the Western European market.

With the sale of was sold on Friday, the first Portal away from the business of Unister, as the insolvency administrator said. The acquirer of the Karlsruhe Solute

GmbH, which operates the price and product comparison portal be.

suspect remains in custody

After the death of the two Unister-partner Thomas Wagner, and Oliver Schilling in a plane crash in July, the company had logged in with 900 employees and insolvency.

Meanwhile, remains in the mysterious case of fraud to the Unister-founder Wagner a suspect financial intermediaries in detention. This had been decided in a court session, said a spokesman for the Prosecutor’s office in Leipzig on Friday. The 69-Year-old from Unna in North Rhine-Westphalia will accused of the fraudulent loan business with an alleged Israeli diamond dealer set-up. The indictment accuses him of abetting fraud. He sits in July in pre-trial detention. When a process at the district court begins, is still to be determined.

Wagner is said to have passed to the Unknown in Venice for 1.5 million euros. Instead of the hoped-for 15 million euros he got in return, but counterfeit money. On the return journey to Leipzig, Wagner was killed.


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