The Italian crisis Bank Monte Paschi needs more money than previously thought. The European Central Bank (ECB) have required a capital of 8.8 billion euros, determined, and informed the money house on Monday. So far it has been assumed to be five billion euros. The financial situation between end of November and the 21. December has deteriorated sharply, it said. Monte Paschi threatens to collapse under a mountain of bad loans. After the third-largest money house in Italy, not got the for the renovation needed money for investors, called the Italian government last week, a 20 billion dollar Fund to stabilize the banking sector. Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann warned about hasty state aid. State funds are only provided as a last resort, he said the “Bild”newspaper, according to a preliminary report from the Tuesday edition, and referred to the appropriate EU rules. “For the Italian government’s intended action, the Bank must be in the core of an economically healthy,” he said. “The money must not serve to cover foreseeable losses.”

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