In the legally obligated company target of 30 percent women has been reached. On the boards, hardly any female managers are to be found.

The proportion of female managers has risen, according to a report by the Federal Minister of family Affairs Manuela Schwesig. The share of women on Supervisory boards by law to the rate contracted firm had climbed in the current year, from 23.3 to 27.5 percent, according to the Newspapers of the Funke media group, citing Schwesigs report.
“The quota,” said the SPD politician, the analysis of your home, which is soon to be the Federal Cabinet. Many companies have reached the target percentage of 30 percent female managers to the Supervisory Board already. “The others will follow,” said Schwesig.
have The law for equal participation of women and men in leadership positions was in may of 2015, was entered into force. Since January, around 150 large businesses to reach for new appointments in the Supervisory Board, the proportion of women is 30 percent. This is not achieved, the chairs are vacant.
The rate applies to listed companies, where the Supervisory Board is each half of representatives of shareholders and workers occupied. For members of the management Board do not apply. There, the proportion of women was only just over five per cent, cited the Newspapers from the government report.
In the Supreme Federal authorities, however, met almost a third of the supervisors and management tasks of women. In 2011, this share was around 27 percent.
tires in the success of a country’s economy. Whether this intervention has positive or negative consequences, depends on the ambitions of the makers of these quotas.
tires in the success of a country’s economy. Whether this intervention has positive or negative consequences, depends on the ambitions of the makers of these quotas.
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congratulations to the parties,especially the greens and the SPD. While you are fighting for the Qoutenfrauen in the Supervisory boards, which may be an additional 6sstelliges Jahressälär, know parts of the [...]
congratulations to the parties,especially the greens and the SPD. While you are fighting for the Qoutenfrauen in the Supervisory boards, which may be an additional 6sstelliges Jahressälär, don’t know parts of the former SPD-voters, what to wear to their children, as to old/busted/small. And then wonder if people in the USA choose the Trump, or here on the AfD think. Kompiment to Mrs Wagenknecht, whose party is, unfortunately, because of the immigration policy is unelectable.
My reaction to the message is an “Aha”. That’s all. Also not less. To me, it is the same, whether the ratio man/woman is compensated for in a company or not. Whether a company is really successful, probably [...]
My reaction to the message is an “Aha”. That’s all. Also not less. To me, it is the same, whether the ratio man/woman is compensated for in a company or not. Whether a company is truly successful depends less of the sexes of the people in the Supervisory Board, but by their qualification. Only when it can be clearly demonstrated that firms will be “better” if more women work in the Supervisory Board, I would like to applaud applause, and I’m for the quota. Then ask how this “better” can be measured. We remember: goals should be SMART (Specific, Measurable,