Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Gas suppliers do not give a decline in prices fully – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Berlin (Reuters) – consumers do not benefit, according to a study in the full extent of the decline in purchase prices for natural gas. On the international markets, the price of gas in 2016, had fallen again, but the provider had only partially to their customers.

The findings of a study by the energy information service energy comment. The analysis of the data, the German press Agency existed, had given the Green parliamentary group in the Bundestag in order. Every second apartment in Germany, is heated with thus, a gas Central heating.

according to The study, the procurement costs in the wholesale trade fell 2016 to 94 Euro. The provider gave 70 Euro to their customers. This is significantly more than two years ago – in 2014, the purchase prices were according to the study, to 104 euros, with the house only 20 Euro arrived but. Last year, the wholesale prices decreased by 34 Euro, 28 Euro, the

provider gave most of it to the consumer. The information is based on a model household with a consumption of 20,000 kilowatt hours per year, the value-added tax is not taken into account.

The results showed, however, that gas import increased, the gas trader or supplier in the sum of your gross margins significantly, writes study author Steffen Bukold, energy comment. It could not be clarified which group of Actors the most. “In a well-functioning competition, the lower procurement cost, however the short or long term completely when the household customers become noticeable.”


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