Monday, December 19, 2016

One-Euro-Job programme so Far, 5000 work opportunities for the refugees – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

From A one-Euro-Job in the regular labour market?

About four months after the Start of the One-Euro-Job programme for refugees, there are still far fewer such opportunities than planned. “After the first Numbers of around 5000 has emerged so far,” said the Director of the Nuremberg Institute for labour market and occupational research (IAB), Joachim Möller, Berlin. The Minister of labour Andrea Nahles (SPD), initiated the program that launched on may 1. August and will create 100 000 work opportunities for refugees.

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It had already approved many more job opportunities, “so we expect to see growth,” said Möller. “In their effect as a Transition into the regular labour market but they are limited and you are not allowed to displace regular employment, and must be for the refugees.” Nahles had said that it was important that the refugees learn about the work in Germany, for example, in the city library, or the fire Department.

The step in the first, the regular labour market of 34,000 immigrants from the eight most important non-European asylum countries of origin, managed according to IAB chief from December 2015 to November. “These are, among others, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Eritrea and Nigeria.” 2015 and in the first eleven months of 2016, the Ministry requested according to the Ministry of the interior, a total of nearly 1.2 million people in Germany, asylum. The IAB, the research Institute of the Federal employment Agency (BA).


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