Thursday, December 29, 2016

Package deliveries: number of complaints increases significantly – MIRROR ONLINE

In the case of the Federal network Agency, 3858 complaints about postal services this year, received 16 percent more than last year. For serious defects, this does not speak of the authority but according to his.

package delivery company Deutsche Post


package delivery company Deutsche Post

The Federal network Agency has received this year, significantly more complaints about poor postal services in the year 2015. A total of 3858 complain about the problems in connection with the package and letter delivery service of the Supervisory authority, received an increase of more than 16 percent compared to the previous year, said network Agency President Jochen Homann on Thursday.

“The increase in complaint numbers show a greater vigilance on the part of consumers in the market of postal services,” said Homann. A sign of serious deficiencies in the package and letter delivery, the increase in complaints, according to the authority. In terms of the number of postal items, the number of complaints remains low.


a total of 24 posts

complaints any More, because _? the Post better or worse ist_? Many postmen deliver proper work, the line babbles Ah, this attentive customer! Headache[inclusion of a Chapter on...

More complaints, because _? the Post better or worse ist_? Many postmen deliver proper work, the line babbles Ah, this attentive customer! Headache[inclusion of a Chapter on...

the cake split on the insatiable rivals.

the cake split on the insatiable rivals.

Non-serious deficiencies prior to the case. A couple of years, then must be re-nationalized.

Non-serious deficiencies prior to the case. A couple of years, then must be re-nationalized.

if a metro sexual high earners middle class worker can't be upset about the DHL-Minimum wage earners, because its amazon-arrives-order just-in-time on-site. Merry Christmas!

if a metro sexual high earners middle class worker can't be upset about the DHL-Minimum wage earners, because its amazon-arrives-order just-in-time on-site. Merry Christmas!

"...serious deficiencies in the authority, but." The "authority" - this says it all... this year, 3 of 6 DHL package did not arrive with me - the are 50%. [...]

“…serious deficiencies in the authority, but.” The “authority” – this says it all… this year, 3 of 6 DHL package did not arrive with me – the are 50%. Extra cards are not thrown in, or with any first name – customer

may search for matching people in the neighborhood itself, etc., etc. In my circle of family and friends was held in this year, also heaped. Now I use just City Post and Hermes. Also.

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