Monday, December 19, 2016

Integration: of 406,000 refugees, without work, only a fraction of Jobs – THE WORLD

updated: 09:15 PM read | write duration: 3 minutes

of 406,000 job-seekers refugees are registered at employment agencies, and 160,000 of them as unemployed.

source: Bernd Wüdpa/dpa-for example,

1.2 Million refugees have sought for 2015 asylum here. Their Integration is still very slow, only some ten thousand have a Job. Experts expect that this will remain so.

Die Integration of refugees in the labour market is progressing so far, only in small steps. Of hundreds of thousands of immigrants from Syria, Iraq and other countries, some ten thousand have a Job.

Positive the balance is, according to the Institute for labour market and occupational research (IAB) for the more than 50,000 German, the work by the refugee influx. The civil servants Union dbb calls for tens of thousands of more jobs in the public service for the Integration.

The majority of the refugees will not be in a year or two in work, said IAB Director Joachim Möller in Berlin. “If we have managed to get after five years, 50 percent in wage and bread, is certainly a success.” Invested

Many of the refugees in temporary Agency work and hospitality

From December 2015 to November 2016 of 34,000 immigrants were from the eight most important non-European asylum countries of origin, the step in the first labour market. “These are, among others, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Eritrea and Nigeria,” said Möller.

57 per cent were in temporary employment, other business services, and hospitality. Of 406,000 job-seekers refugees are registered with the employment agencies and job centres, 160.000 of which counted as unemployed.

in 2015 and in the first eleven months of 2016 requested according to the Federal Ministry of the interior, nearly 1.2 million people in this country are formally asylum.

In the One-Euro-Job programme for refugees, there are approximately four months after the launch, far less such opportunities than planned. “After the first Numbers of around 5000 has emerged so far,” said Möller. The Minister of labour Andrea Nahles (SPD), initiated the

program that launched on may 1. August and to 100,000 in publicly-funded Jobs for refugees.

New Jobs by refugees

By the refugee migration jobs. “We expect a magnitude in the mid five-digit range, with around 50,000 or 60,000,” said Möller. “Employment growth such as construction, in the case of out-of-school teaching activities and language teachers, security guards, social workers, and public administration.” About teachers, social workers, language teachers and educators could use the Land in view of future Migration to even more good.

“the arrival of the refugees was like a magnifying glass,”

in the opinion of the foreigners Advisory councils for many of the problems of Integration caused by the large number of refugees, but this only became visible. An example: High Rent in big cities.

source: The world

The civil servants Union dbb has resulted in tens of thousands of additional Places. The Federal office for Migration and refugees, there have been around 5000, and the Federal police have approximately 2000 additional jobs. “However, in the case of the municipalities, for example in the education service, schools, the judiciary and the national police forces of the gap is still large gaps,” said the dbb Chairman Klaus Dauderstädt. “Overall, we estimate the resulting additional need for personnel to around 30 000 Points.”

Dauderstädt said: “the work in The public service is changing.” Without intercultural competence, it is not today in many Places. Often, employees need languages even more foreign. “This is a longer-term change that will also stop in the light of future Migration.”

For a balance sheet on the impact of refugees on the economy, it is, according to Möller too early. “There will probably be no excess bill. But diversity can also be productive."


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