Friday, December 23, 2016

After bankruptcy: Rockaway Capital and – business week takes

Henryk Hielscher

Unister-insolvency administrator Lucas Flöther has found a buyer for the core business of the Leipzig-based Internet group. A holding company in the travel portals and shortly before the end of the year Unister-insolvency administrator Lucas Flöther, of the law firm Flöther &Wissing lands a Coup. He has found a buyer for the core business of the in the summer of the damaged Leipzig-based Internet group. 31. January takes on the Czech Investment group Rockaway Capital SE, the travel range of Unister travel portals,,,,,, and travel Viva.

Thus was created “the basis to guide the travel portals back to its former strength,” said Flöther, to be the business week. Rockaway wool to expand the Leipzig site, so Flöther. The investment company specializes in the purchase and development of Online business models.

in addition to the sale of the travel range in which the Unister-daughter was sold. “For the remaining Unister companies in the investors’ process continues to run,” said Flöther. In the Consumer insolvency proceedings would now back above all the examination of the contested claims and the processing of book-keeping in the foreground. The Investor will be presented at the time (from 9.30 am) the Unister-workers in the large meeting room in the town hall of Leipzig.

Unister-insolvency – An economic crime?

  • misfortune

    The case is mysterious and sounds like an economic crime: a Self-made millionaire and founder of the Leipzig Internet company Unister, Thomas Wagner, crashes with a private machine in Slovenia. On Board Cash. Shortly thereafter, the Holding company, insolvency registers, as well as a subsidiary company. For years it is speculated on the economic difficulties. Many questions are open.

    source: Reuters

  • What is so far about the plane crash?

    The crash could have contributed to the icing of the single-engine plane. Problems had been reported in the 73jährige Pilot of the Slovenian air traffic control. Slovenian media speculated that the chartered is likely to be significantly above the for this type the usual flight altitude of 5000 meters on the road. The investigations of the wreck are still ongoing, also under participation of the German authorities.

  • Who was on Board?

    in addition to the company’s founder and Unister-the main shareholder of Wagner (38), the co-partner Oliver Schilling (39), a 65jähriger man and the Pilot. Your fading burned are currently being examined. A final confirmation of the identities of the Slovenian side, there is not yet. The local authorities are still waiting for DNA comparison samples from Germany.

  • What was the reason for the trip?

    Wagner and his companion wanted to meet up in Venice with potential investors, such as Unister has informed. In doing so, you will be cheated. The Slovenian police reported that documents on Board of the plane, which indicated that Wagner “was damaged to a greater sum”. In media reports speculated about the investors and pushed the wrong money, officially, nothing is confirmed. The origin of the site of the accident found 10 000 Swiss francs in cash is unknown

  • Where are the investigations in the case?

    at the Very beginning. Unister-partner and co-founder Daniel Kirchhof wants to let the circumstances of the alleged money business clear. “I’m going to refund on Wednesday, the complaint against an Unknown person, among other things, due to infidelity suspicions,” he said to the MDR-magazine “Exactly”. By the afternoon, the Prosecutor’s office in Leipzig was not available. “From my side, I think it is very, very strongly, that there is its security. In particular, how it could happen that such a big amount of cash driving around in the area, who have been as involved in the whole operation, who knew about it," said churchyard.

  • Why the group device by the death of Wagner, in the wrong location?

    The last published balance sheet of Unister Holding, is from 2011. Its sole Director was

Wagner, who held all the strings in the hands. In 2002, he had founded Unister as a 23-Year-old in Leipzig, initially as a student exchange, and the Start-up company on a rapid growth rate. 2015 was then to match the speech, 30 million euros per year should be saved. An explicit reason for Insolvency – how insolvency or over-Indebtedness has not yet been called.

  • How the group is structured?

    Under the umbrella of Unister Holding GmbH has a wide range of companies, operating in more than 40 Internet portals, on topics such as travel, news, real estate, or partner of mediation – including popular sites like,, or A total of more than 1000 Employees work for the group of companies.

  • Who owns what?

    Up to his death, held Wagner to around 40 per cent of the shares and was the principal shareholder Unister Holding. The Rest is distributed according to company information on the four co-founders – including Schilling, who was also in the crash – as well as a company called Opus30 management company.

  • again and again, there was an investigation. What was it about?

    2012 was Unister to the attention of the judiciary. Wagner and three other managers were accused of, among other things, on the grounds of illegal insurance business and tax evasion. Unister rejected the allegations. The process remains, because the district court in Leipzig is currently examining a further action.

  • Unister has filed for bankruptcy. What’s next?

    the insolvency administrator Lucas Flöther to save the Internet group and be optimistic. In the “business week”, he said, have already been reported in the first 24 hours, a high two-digit number of potential investors for the company as a Whole or for parts interested. Now the expressions of interest will be filtered and explored. Then, it is decided whether Unister is smashed or completely sold.

  • preceded by long negotiations and a nightly meeting of the Parties to get the contracts in a timely manner and were gone a week. The creditors ‘ Committee had agreed to the Deal already in the beginning of the week.

    After the death of the two Unister-partner Thomas Wagner, and Oliver Schilling in a plane crash in July Unister Holding company and several subsidiaries had filed for bankruptcy. The group of more than 40 Internet portals, including module overall, in addition to the core brands and also, various other offers, among other things, in the car – and the real estate sector.

    According to the insolvency of Unister smashing to running slow: According to information of the economy week Unister insolvency administrator Lucas Flöther travel online portal sold the short.

    Originally wanted to sell Flöther, to be the portals as quickly as possible. “Unister urgently needs an Investor, but we will also perform a fire sale,” had Flöther, to be announced directly after the bankruptcy in an Interview with business week. A little later, a Team of the investment Bank Macquarie to Max Mayer had been instructed-Eming with the search for investors. As a legal consultant to the lawyers Jan Hückel and Uwe Goetker from McDermott was also Will & Emery involved.

    However, the prospects offered initially, apparently only bargain prices for the Unister-parts. Flöther stood out more – and to be built in parallel with the group. He focused the group on the most promising business fields, flight and tourism, and reduced marketing expenditure. In November, he sold the first small-scale online portal. Fit travel, a host of health traveling from Frankfurt, got the nod.

    • page 1: Rockaway Capital acquires and
    • page 2: the About purchase price was not disclosed

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