Monday, December 26, 2016

Germany’s leading companies achieve the absolute record win – MIRROR ONLINE

Declining sales, increasing profit: According to the calculation of the consultancy company EY, the 100 largest German companies in 2016, generated nearly 90 billion euros.

stock trader in Frankfurt (file photo)


stock traders in Frankfurt (file photo)

Germany’s leading companies have been able to increase their profits in the first nine months of the year, despite the loss of sales to a new high.

The 100 highest-turnover exchange-listed companies increased their operating income (Earnings before interest and taxes = Ebit), as measured by the prior-year period by 24 percent to a total of 89.5 billion euros, according to the consulting firm EY (Ernst & Young). This was a record for the first three quarters of the year.

Although overall sales fell, according to the analysis by 2.7 per cent to 1.2 trillion euros. However, thanks to efficiency gains, more income for the companies left. Thus, the average return on sales climbed from 5.9 to 7.4 percent. Responsible for the strong gain plus result, jumps in the case of large corporations, were also Mathieu Meyer, a member said the EY-management. In addition, there had been in the previous year, a decline in profits, therefore, the bar was set for the companies are lower. Banks, insurance companies and investment companies were not included in the study.

in 2017, is Meyer skeptical. The last sharp fall in the Euro exchange rate is likely to bring the company’s exchange rate gains, however, political risks have created uncertainty.


a total of 2 posts

then it’s all good. The pay properly taxation, temporary workers, temporary Jobs, abolish and women pay. The are good prospects for 2017!

then, Yes, all is well. The pay properly taxation, temporary workers, temporary Jobs, abolish and women pay. The are good prospects for 2017!

man am I funny….. hilarious.

man am I funny….. hilarious.

gets Merkel, Yes, at least, of their customers praise. Of Freud, the other suffering. That’s how it is. Merkel, the redistribution rate meets bottom-up model. But whether the votes of the capital to rich [...]

gets Merkel, Yes, at least, of their customers praise. Of Freud, the other suffering. That’s how it is. Merkel, the redistribution rate meets bottom-up model. But whether the votes of the capital to be re-elected? I doubt it.

Thank you also, that so much will be given more and those that have to do with generate and/or the conditions. (Irony button…)

Thank you also, that so much will be given more and those that have to do with generate and/or the conditions. (Irony button…)

Due to aggressive tax

avoidance, the state looks in the tube. Allowed to pay then the simple citizens with more and more taxes.

Due to aggressive tax avoidance, the state looks in the tube. Allowed to pay then the simple citizens with more and more taxes.

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